Got a mate here in his 80s who is on his second "bionic knee" him constant pain.
My left knee has been "off" since I was 12 ( now 69 ) when someone shoulder charged me at school, just as I was taking an almighty kick at a football next to a 30 metre high tree..I connected with the tree. 3 weeks off school, knee swollen up like a football, bed rest leg raised , and a nurse came to the house every day to draw off fluid with a huge syringe and needle.Never been right since.
Nowadays ( last 10 years ) I have to plan squatting or bending down to reach stuff on the floor or on low shelves carefully, there has to be something solid that I can use on the left side to lever myself back to standing without pressure on that knee.Walks of more than a kilometre are out, as is cycling outside as if I had a puncture further away that a km, I'd not be able to push the bike home.Exercise bike lives in the kitchen.
Given Michel's experience, I'll not be having a bionic knee fitted .
It's got me into stick making though, although my personal ones have to be extra sturdy as I grew up to be big. I've mates who are bigger, some much bigger.
Mme ( who is 5 foot and less than 45 kg ) , says I'm an "armoire à glace"..and when she's standing around me and my mates, it's like she's in an industrial freezer shop. I preferred playing Rugby, as do / did my mates. She watches it on TV.."coaches , loudly , from the "relaxer" €3000.00 chair I picked up for free for her.
We've ( mates and I ) all got dodgy knees though, even indoor running machines are out due to the impacts on the knees. Yeah, doing weights keeps you fit ( ish ) , as does cutting down trees and sculpting the subsequent logs.Just have to watch my back though, coughed so hard after Covid that I herniated two ( not one but two..a BOGOF ) discs in my lower back, carry oxycontin with me everywhere I go, just in case the pain gets really stupid again, as opposed to the constant dull ache.
Recently diagnosed with a second go of Covid is deffo out of the question..micro crystalline salt filter mask ( self made ) for all visits to shops etc.