Mental Health benefit of woodwork

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Rotator cuff..yeah..been there, done that, about 10 years ago. Tripped and fell on a huge flight of steps after coming out of our local tax office in the dark, in the rain, not a soul about..20 kms from home .Put my shoulder ( left side again..left knee gave way..see ,above ) so far out , I had to do a "Mel Gibson" , to put it back in so that I could drive home .Put a ( two year long ) spoke into my construction of the first part of my atelier that did, did all the exercises ..They work, couldn't lift 20 kg brieze blocks and build roof trusses and set theme etc for two years. Problem with physio for my knee is ( due to my back ) it takes me 10 mins to get dressed , undressed etc. That's 20 minutes off the allotted physio time, which here is dispensed in 30 minute sessions..All that pain for 10 mins manipulation..nah. When phase two of the atelier is done, I'll be making me a "back rack" ( easy design to do ) on the lathe to get the back into condition.

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