I'm amazed at all the talent on this board!
Well Noel asked for a few pics so bear with me everyone ( :wink: ). Here's one of the A2 bar stock after I sneaked it past my wife and into my shop:
I bought way too much, I have enough to make floats and plane blades and plenty of other stuff, but the price of steel has gone up around 30% since I bought it, so :'P .
Then I cut it into lengths. It's a good idea to buy as many appropriate widths as possible to reduce cutting the metal lengthwise and grinding the side, which is a lot of work:
Then I cut to width what I had to, and cut out the tangs, all with a hacksaw. After that, grinding. I've been grinding on and off (mostly off) for the past 6 months. Thank god Noel asked for some pics, I finished the grinding
. Here they are, ready to be touched up by hand with files and stones. The dovetail chisels (1/4", 3/8", 1/2", 5/8", 3/4"):
And from top to bottom, two cranked-necks (1/2", 3/4"), three mortising (5/16", 1/8", 1/16"), two skews (1/2") and a paring chisel:
So just a bit of touching up to do, even out the shoulders and the bevels, and hone a taper toward the top of the mortising chisels (I decided to use Charlesworth's method of tape on a stone, the one he uses to camber his blades). Of course I forgot to make a blade, a 1/2" paring chisel 1/16" thick (to fit between tails, to make relief cuts into the corners). As soon as I do all that it's off to the heat treaters. I have all the wood for the handles, and several kinds of ferrules but I don't know exactly what I'll use yet. I'm going to burn the tangs into the handles (I've always been told that that's the traditional method; I guess it depends which tradition...).