Like a tail/inset vice thingamajig - Yes it's n0legs again!

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Half term is over (sort of) and it's back to work, or is that play??
Having not completely "clocked" back in at the evil overlords, I do have a little spare time for some fun. So fun is what I had and an update for the faithful followers has been compiled :D
It warms my heart to see you amused yourselves whilst I was gone :lol:

So spending a week fueled on Ouzo, sunshine and lamb I spent many a happy moment deciding where we need to go next with this project.
I noted from the nut modifications I was going to need some kind of guides. We don't want the travelling nut/clampy bit to wibble wobble about, it'll bind up some where on it's journey and that friends can not be allowed to happen =;

So from afar I ordered a bit of brass from the bay. 10 mm square and it was waiting for me when we got home.
The idea was to fix these brass guides at about the nuts mid point. So that's what I did. Some drilling and tapping and here's what we have.
The nut now has some restraint and with a little filing and a little sanding it's done.




Plans for the "dog" hole were made. I mentioned earlier I have some inch diameter brass bar and I decided this was going to be the preferred choice.
A hole was marked out and drilled. I went with 14mm, so if I turn down the end of my brass to about half inch I have a little slack. No sense in making things so tight there's a struggle to use it. The filing flat exposed a little porosity in the weld, must try harder next time, begger it! It'll do :lol:



Next thing needed is a top. I'll be going the same as the other end in having a overhang for drilling through and eventually fixing down.
Some more of the ali plate was marked out then cut off. The thin cut discs work brilliantly on aluminium, not as fast cutting as they do on steel but they make a decent clean cut.






So with that cut it's time to get a slot marked and cut.
With a trusty 25 mm holesaw we establish the ends of the slot. The pics tell it all.
The disc cutter was called on again to remove the waste.




*** and coffee time, which equals thinking time. Faced with a load of filing to finish up the slot I was less than impressed. Need to speed this up or at least avoid a filing session.
Remember the pillar mill from "dogs of wonderment"? Well it's back again \:D/
The grey matter was bubbling away like a hot pan of peas.
Yes I've got it!! (says I)
Move the x y vice from the morticer onto the drill. Lock the quill, insert end mill, go wild 8-[
Now I'm not claiming to be tubalcain/Mr Pete, but this didn't work half bad. Slowish going true, but we'll worth a try.
Well actually as a disclaimer I suggest you only try this if:-
1, You have no sense.
2, Good life insurance. God only knows how you'd explain it on the paperwork, but why worry you won't be the one filling in said paperwork :( :lol:

I wouldn't put a lot of stock in it being uber accurate and maybe the surface finish isn't the greatest, but I completed what I set out to do.
Filings and swarf everywhere, but hey how that's not a problem. Clean room this ain't.


So after a little squaring up with a file we have this. Not bad, I'm happy.


So the next bit is to drill and tap some more to fix this down properly and see about making the movable/clamping dog.

Bob is it getting any clearer now? I don't want anyone getting too far behind, the rest of the class only take the pith :lol:

As always, much love and thank you all for the continued interest.
Back soon.
Being very new to this wood bothering malarky, I can honestly, hand on heart (not easy to do when you need both index fingers to type), say (write, oops TYPE) that i dont have the very faintest idea what you are up to.

deep down, I suspect you could have bought one for a quarter of the cost and saved enough hours of your life to go on holiday again, but hey,
I'm still in.

i just hope my climax isnt anti.
Oh Yeeeeeeees! Looking a treat now.

And for sunnybob, he's already upped the ante!

(Hat, coat, closing the door Q U I E T L Y on the way out)!

Being serious for a mo N0Legs, I'm not sure exactly how a morticer works (haven't got one, 'ave I?) but the result looks good, even though I'm pretty sure that even if I did have a morticer I wouldn't have tried it on that job. File man me - may take a while, but it always stays firmly under my control and normally doesn't take all that long. But WTF, excellent result mate.


(And welcome back BTW, just because it was holiday time, NO excuse for sloping off like that).
sunnybob":stzfni4z said:
deep down, I suspect you could have bought one for a quarter of the cost and saved enough hours of your life to go on holiday again, but hey,
I'm still in.

i just hope my climax isnt anti.

Ohhhh Bob you little monkey!! You had to go and mention the "c" word. COST,,,,,,, Nooooooooo!!!!
Its like Fight Club and it's rule :lol: :lol:

Actually being the kind of fella that likes to know, so far it's cost me £47.08. Now allowing for the IFF if I was to say £55 up to now, I gotta' be honest I'm happy with that.
The climax?? I think we're on the vinegar stroke :lol:
AES":3coc4k6o said:
Oh Yeeeeeeees! Looking a treat now.

And for sunnybob, he's already upped the ante!

(Hat, coat, closing the door Q U I E T L Y on the way out)!

Being serious for a mo N0Legs, I'm not sure exactly how a morticer works (haven't got one, 'ave I?) but the result looks good, even though I'm pretty sure that even if I did have a morticer I wouldn't have tried it on that job. File man me - may take a while, but it always stays firmly under my control and normally doesn't take all that long. But WTF, excellent result mate.


(And welcome back BTW, just because it was holiday time, NO excuse for sloping off like that).

I'm sorry, won't do it again :oops:

Thank you, it's coming along now. Looking kind of how I envisaged.
Well I thought of it like this, file or noisy/borderline stupid? File or noisy/borderline stupid? :lol:
I've done enough filing over the years, I didn't miss anything :lol:
I get the impression that if n0legs was locked in a barn with some welding gear and old scaffold tubes, he'd cobble together an improvised helicopter and make good his escape.

If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find him....maybe you can hire..... n0legs

*cue general mayhem followed by a car blowing up, while the driver climbs out miraculously unharmed*
maybe he can make one of those magic machine guns that never actually injure anybody regardless of how long they are fired for.
But then of course if he could, he wouldnt be able to fly to any war zone to sell them.
Did anyone else watch the Fast Show, remember Johnny the artist?

Wife Katie "What a lovely scene Johnny, how's the landscape going?"
Johnny "Coming along nicely, I just need to add some black to those clouds,,, black! Black!"
Katie "Johnny!!"
Johnny "Black! Black! It's all black!!! Black!!!!!!"

Yup, it's all gone black.
Due to this being raw aluminium I thought it best to give it a coat of something and black etch primer fitted the bill :D
So I stripped it down. Cleaned it with some solvent and sanded it a little, just enough to get a key.
Masked some areas and cleaned it once more, then sprayed it a bit quick.


When it was dry I assembled it using some Loctite in the threads.


Earlier I had taken the lid off the gear section, so I could counterbore for the top bush. I wanted to lower the height so fitting it doesn't require going any deeper than necessary. It's only gained/lost me about 5mm , but every little helps.
With a little wiggling I got it mounted on a bit of mdf on a faceplate for the lathe. Attacked it with a scraper and a little recess is done :D



The overhangs at either end were cut down, drilled and countersunk for some fixing holes.


It's time to get a dog. A gold coloured one. I think we'll call it a n0legserman and I'll name him Gripper 8)

Well this bits straight forward enough.
One piece of 1" diameter brass bar, tick.
Clamp it in chuck on lathe, tick.
Abuse/turn it down at one end, tick.
Cut off to length required, tick.
Face off and clean up, tick.
Cut a flat face into it, tick, tick, tickety-boo!! :D







The height is approx 1", but the vice will be set into the bench half an inch lower so the drive shaft can be below work surface level. It's my intention to get a nice bit of wood, don't know what yet, and make a slotted infill panel. Make it look nice init?
So the next bit now I suppose is to get this installed in the bench. Okay, I think we can manage that. Where's me hammer??

More as soon as I can.
Much love, n0legs out.
MusicMan":3hme7fqo said:
Nice to see the XY vice in such good hands!

Hi Keith (hammer)
Not sure about good hands, but it has transformed the morticer :wink:
Cheers my friend.
DTR":37r9ceet said:
I get the impression that if n0legs was locked in a barn with some welding gear and old scaffold tubes, he'd cobble together an improvised helicopter and make good his escape.

If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find him....maybe you can hire..... n0legs

*cue general mayhem followed by a car blowing up, while the driver climbs out miraculously unharmed*

:lol: :lol:
I loved The A Team as a kid, brilliant stuff.
Mayhem, got that covered :D
Cars blowing up, has been known to happen :lol:
Climbing out unharmed, not always #-o :lol:
sunnybob":20kzalfv said:
maybe he can make one of those magic machine guns that never actually injure anybody regardless of how long they are fired for.
But then of course if he could, he wouldnt be able to fly to any war zone to sell them.

Plot hole everytime wasn't it Bob :lol:
Is it illegal to be a DIY gunsmith :?: Maybe next time 8-[ :lol:
Its not illegal to be a gunsmith, but it is illegal to possess the barrel without a license. No one cares about the rest of the pieces untill they are attached to the barrel.

Oh man, you are G>O>O>D>,
how the hell did you spray those black parts and not get any paint on the white paper towel? I would kill for that level of skill.
My approach to painting is the same as the A team's approach to carefully aimed shots. Except I pray BEFORE I spray.

I think I've got it sussed, your making a wind in / out lock for a bathroom sliding door. Sorted.
sunnybob":1ly04059 said:
Oh man, you are G>O>O>D>,
how the hell did you spray those black parts and not get any paint on the white paper towel? I would kill for that level of skill.

Its all smoke and mirrors :lol:
Bob you finally got it \:D/ :eek:ccasion5: Poshest bog lock around 8) :lol:
AES":1t9g22qr said:
Cor Blimey, n0legs. Just Cor Blimey!


Thank you AES :D
I'm really pleased with it. It'll be even better when I get 5 minutes to install it, hopefully on the weekend.
'ere, 'e's gorn and dun a runner on us guvner.

No Watson, he has seen the error of his ways and decided to B&Q it for a REAL lavatorial locking mechanism.

gawd 'elp us all Tiny Tim.

(in case any one hasnt noticed, I have a very low patience quotient)
Bob, would I do that to you ?? :shock:
Done a runner, no and considering how patient you've been :lol:

Okay guys it's looking very much like the end, and Bob I hope after this it'll all make sense.
So the gods of time were not so friendly over the weekend, but as they're fairly fair gods we have managed to pinch a little of the necessary to finish up.

You all know what a mortice looks like so I won't be boring you with that. Safe to say though I chose (why doesn't that look right??? I checked, but it don't. Maybe I should have said I had chosen a spot. Oh who cares, the guys will know what I mean) a spot that works for me and hacked away until we got to this stage,,,,,,,


Got a nice tight fit to be honest, but that did backfire a little when it came to pulling it back out for some tweeking #-o
No worries though, it lost out in that battle. A little sweating and swearing was needed.
So not to get caught again I drilled some holes right through, so I can use a drift from the underside to punch the vice back up and out 8) :| :wink:

Once satisfied with the fit I moved on to the infill panel. Now I did think about making two. One slotted to allow operation and another sort of blank, a bit like below.


It's from a quite nice piece of beech. Thicknessed and sized to suit.
But common sense prevailed and some good advice ringing in my ears telling me "if it ain't easy to use, it won't get used". Very true =D>
So we left it at just the one.
A hole is obviously needed for the hand crank and a slot for the travelling/clamping dog was marked out then cut. A hole either end, waste cut out and tidied up with a router. Please excuse the burn marks :oops:


A few holes for some screws and this piece is all but done.


As you can see from the pic I filled some holes in the bench top, I just used some poundland epoxy.
I gave the infill and benchtop a good sanding over, 1, to make sure all is flush and 2, I decided the surface needed a little freshening up. 2K lacquer is my weapon of choice for this. It's hard as hell, drys very very quickly and I have lots of it .

Trying it out.




The first pic shows how well it works, notice how the board is bending upwards. I can really wind this up, which is nice :D

We finish the pics with this one, after a coat of lacquer.


Well guys and gals, lords and ladies that's it for this one. I've really enjoyed this and the result has been brilliant.
Thank you all for the continued interest and comments. Having an idea and then working through it is great, but having some guys (and gals), distant friends and people of the same mind to share it with does make it all the more enjoyable. Thanks.
What's next?? Who knows, but if I can I'll bring you all along for the ride.
As always much love.

Bob!! does it make sense now?? For the love of god say yes :lol:

Hi, just a little note.
Due to Photobucket changing their usage policy I've had to use a different host. I've now uploaded the pictures from the new host, but I'm not 100% sure these are as accurate as the originals. My apologies to anyone revisiting this topic and you notice it's not the same as before. Many thanks Allan.