Keir Starmer

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I’m sure Starmer’s crew could find a way to give NI away
He cant afford to…..NI is the only part of the U.K. doing well…..who would’ve thunk having access to a frictionless market would be beneficial to growth.

“Northern Ireland is expected to be the fastest-growing region alongside London this year, up 1.2% in real GDP. The UK's GDP is predicted to grow by 1.0% in 2024, up from the 0.5% prediction made in PwC's November 2023 Outlook”
Yes it makes sense that Taylor Swift bribed Keir Starmer so she could have a security detail
I think that's Swiftgate all cleared up.

I'm now looking for explanations why Alli gifted Starmer a £240 pair of Garrett Leight Hampton 1001s glasses. Anything that'd distract from the real issues the UK govt is trying to address would be nice. Maybe they contain some sort of micro-chip thingy to warp his thinking? Something along those lines would be great.
The did not vote for it. They voted in favour of it but clearly dependent on the terms obtained, when the general common-sense but unspoken assumption was that they would only then vote for or against it, or Parliament just reject it as a lost cause.
Nobody voted for Johnson going head-down brain-off and "just getting brexit done" really badly.

No my point is that we don't rule by plebiscite and the decision should have been left for Parliament to make, following the negotiations.
Only an idi ot would agree to an extremely important and complicated contract with details unknown and undecided. We found our idi ot in Johnson, backed up by tory back bench id iot majority just seeing it as a vote winner. Plus a few `Labour loose cannons!
No, they voted for it AND were in favour of it...
It was Cameron who gave the electorate the referendum thinking that the issue would resolve itself when the result was what the government wanted. Sadly, the outcome didn't go the way he thought it would and shuffled off quickly, only now re-appearing to attempt a come-back.

I tell my children and grandchildren that if you as a question that requires a yes or no reply, be prepared for either. Cameron wasn't.
The people made their feelings known and I have noticed that it's businesses who kicked out the most ever since. Is it that the people voted altruistically and not for business reasons?
No, they voted for it
The point is - nobody could possibly vote for it because nobody knew what it was going to be.
They voted in favour of the idea.
If Cameron had thought a little more he might have anticipated this and phrased the question differently, with suitable drop out conditions

I tell my children and grandchildren that if you as a question that requires a yes or no reply, be prepared for either. Cameron wasn't.
The people made their feelings known
and I have noticed that it's businesses who kicked out the most ever since.
....because they foresaw the problems. Also many people recognised freedom of movement as an amazingly forward thinking and democratic idea. Such a big loss on so many fronts, for workers, students, businesses and so on.
Is it that the people voted altruistically and not for business reasons?
Can't think of any altruistic reasons for a vote for.
Latest news is that Starmer is going to sort out the immigration issues on the islands he has just given back to Mauritius by sending them to another British island St Helena and also giving them several million pounds to help out as well. Why is he not interested in sorting out the issues in the UK, they do say you should always sort out your own house before doing someone elses.
Yes, it’s homophobic.

It is a conspiracy theory spread by the truly horrible Isabel Oakshott saying “there is an open secret about Starmers family life”

It rather shows the maturity level of Reform voters.

She was not aluding to him being homosexual but the open secret, that ‘free gear, 2 tier, Keir’ has had many affairs (allegedly) and fathered a love child and that he is not really living with his wife, as she gave him the heave ho, but rather they pretend to be together and that one kf these affairs was quite recent.

The contention jere is that we’re not allowed to know this, given everyone in parliament does and I would say such ‘alleged’ interest is in the public interest.

Lastly the fact Keir is a lawyer and has many powerful friends in the home office, means journalists are nervous about printing, given Keir has an incredibly thin skin and is very authoritarian.
but the open secret, that ‘free gear, 2 tier, Keir’ has had many affairs
Can anyone really think that is possible, just look at the guy who has no redeeming features along with no desirable characteristics, he is like a very bland soup. The only situation that might happen is if someone thought they could blackmail him as he has money.
Can anyone really think that is possible, just look at the guy who has no redeeming features along with no desirable characteristics, he is like a very bland soup. The only situation that might happen is if someone thought they could blackmail him as he has money.
*cough* Boris Johnson
Yes but Boris was like a lovable clown, remember clowns have two sides like Yin and Yang ! Put Boris and Starmer together then Starmer is like a cold statue with the emotions of a cyberman whilst Boris is the opposite.
I'll take Mr Bland over a clown running the country. At least the wheels might stay on this time.
Too late, this was written a month ago … 🤣

This is a totally straw man argument. Yes, police officers get "selected" into top jobs, by the govt dept that is responible for Policing. But it is a total stretch and a completely unfounded fabrication to say that they are only selected because they are "yes men/women" or only because they are the ones that can be coerced into taking decisions that are not in the best interest of their Force. The selection clearly is for a reason and looks at a multitude of factors, principally their character, their annual performance reports and their ability as leaders. Similar "selection" criteria exist in the military (my background) and it has zero at all to do with "politics" or "yes men/women" and far more about leadership, prior performance and capacity for good decision making.

Likewise, it is a stretch of the imagination to imply that the Police, which are institutionally separated from interference by the Executive, can be influenced unduly on Operational matters just becasue the strategic context in which they must operate is handed down by Govt.

So you are still sticking to the weaseley worded undertones of what might be fabricated instead of the visible and written facts??

And you don't seem to be acknowledging the fact that there was an Islamic State terror plot just a few days earlier targeting a Taylor Swift concert in another European nation.

I wonder to myself if you guys are for real at times? Talk about giving observable reality a stiff ignoring in favour of a shaky, at best, conspiracy theory.
You've clearly convinced yourself beyond reasonable doubt, but you haven't convinced anyone else.

As to 'wondering if you guys are real?' it's funny that you say that, because since you joined this forum I've wondered if you are actually an AI 'BOT'. There's a lot of it about. Might just be that I'm a conspiracy theorist. Yes, I think so.

What you have consistently overlooked is that this whole fiasco is entirely due to Starmer's lack of judgement in accepting so much largesse from vested interests, and has tainted him and his top team. Had they not done so, the 'quid pro quo' story about 'blue lights for tickets' could never have arisen and the story wouldn't have legs. (Since 2019, Starmer has accepted £107,000 in gifts - more than any other MP, 64% of his annual salary).

I'm trying to find another term than 'seedy, grubby, shabby, bringing high office into disrepute', but try as I might, I can't.

A blue light escort is normally only given to members of the Royal Family and visiting Heads of State - not to celebrities. ( Even The Duke of Sussex, 5th in line to the throne doesn't get that).

Initially, the MET took a decision that there was no credible threat, than Taylor Swift's mother threatened to cancel the tour if they weren't given a blue light escort, then Starmer, the Home Secretary and the Mayor of London (who among a raft of other senior MPs and Ministers who got free tickets), and even the Attorney General got involved, and lo and behold, the MET had a change of heart.

Personally, I don't have a problem with the blue light escort in itself, for the following reasons:

1) The request came from Taylor Swift's mother who, given the threat that arose in Austria causing the concert to be cancelled there, her own perception regardless of the Met's view, was that she believed there as a threat, had said she might cancel the concert.

2) Given that the recent Southport murders of children were attending a dance class with Taylor Swift's music, and the ensuing racist xenophobic riots across the country, will doubtless have heightened her concerns.

3) Swift’s Eras Tour ended up generating around £1 billion for the U.K. economy, with 1.2 million people attending her shows in the country.

4) Given that since his appointment, Starmer has been nothing but a 'miserabilist' has persisted in telling us all that the country is in an awful state, the NHS is broken, (a great way to boost the morale of those who work in the NHS), there's a £22 black hole they didn't know about, the impending budget will me we have to tighten our belts' etc, anything which can cheer up at least 1.2million people and generate £1bn, is no bad thing.

The late Margaret Thatcher was reviled and revered in equal measure, but the first thing she said o her appointment wasn't: "isn't it all so awful, the state the country is in, and I think there's worse to come", she said:

"Where there is discord, may we bring harmony. Where there is error, may we bring truth. Where there is doubt, may we bring faith. And where there is despair, may we bring hope’ …. and to all the British people—howsoever they voted—may I say this. Now that the Election is over, may we get together and strive to serve and strengthen the country of which we're so proud to be a part".

As to 'freebies':

Peter Kyle, the science secretary, has revealed that he accepted two free tickets to a Taylor Swift concert in August worth more than £500, courtesy of the Football Association. It is understood the tickets were declared late in error – they should have been registered within 28 days of receiving the hospitality. Others to reveal hospitality include Ian Murray, the Scottish secretary, who accepted £320 of tickets to a Liverpool v Bournemouth football match in September thanks to Salmon Scotland, where he had a meeting with the chief executive of the industry body.

Robert Jenrick registered a further £55,000, including £25,000 from Access Industries UK, owned by a company founded and owned by the Soviet-born US-British businessman Sir Len Blavatnik.

Kemi Badenoch registered more than £125,000, including £25,000 from Wol Kolade, the deputy chair of NHS England and managing partner of Livingbridge, a private equity firm with interests in private healthcare.

I said in a recent post that the PM MPs have accepted a ton of money and in some cases are paid advisers from the betting and gaming industry. There have been many calls to raise the duty on the industry to bring it into line with other countries, which it's estimated could brining in an addition £3bn a year. It will be interesting to see if Rachel Reeves does so in her impending budget - neither she nor Starmer hive hinted at it. I wonder why?

Sorry - I'm waffling and dribbling again.
To lighten the 'Swiftgate' theme, I guess by now, a goodly number of forum members might know that one of her best known hits is 'Shake it Off'. Here's a version that might amuse. I bet Starmer knows the words well enough be able to do this:

This may come as a surprise to you, but the Irish, especially northern republicans, absolutely do not trust the British judiciary
To be honest I can't say I know too much about Irish politics so I'll take your word for that.
Purely out of interest and for my own knowledge, can you give examples of the British judiciary being duplicitous or disingenuous which warrants mistrust of the British Judiciary system by the Irish people and has the ECHR been used to overrule British law to protect Irish citizens?

If you can cite any instances I'd appreciate it. You don't need to go into detail as I can look them up when I have time.

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