Keir Starmer

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Got to page 4 before the asylum seekers came out. 🍿
The alternative is to bury one's head in the sand and pretend that no problem exists with regard to migration, be it legal or otherwise.
In this alternative world the UK can indefinitely continue to subsume all of the people who turn up on its doorstep claiming asylum with no effects and we all live happily with fulfilled lives ever after.

Then unfortunately we have the real world where clearly there isn't enough suitable housing/infrastructure to adequately service the people who already live here, where taxes will need to be increased in order just to fund extra infrastructure to meet the needs of the people already living here let alone the need for the migrants coming here. This government has now admitted that they got it wrong like most things so far and migrants awaiting processing will be housed in hotels for the next three years.
Annually the costs of housing the migrants in hotels alone is around the same amount as the cost of the winter fuel payment for the entire pensioners of this country.

The fact is that there is indeed a problem with migration and it's not going to go away unless it is addressed.
Let's look at this logically.
Given the alleged price of a place on the criminal gang's boats just to come daily across the Channel, costs are often several times more than official flights to the UK from the homeland or adjoining countries of those who come here seeking asylum, then why would they choose a method fraught with danger to arrive here risking their lives in the process if they had documents etc which would effectively fast track them through the UK's official migration channels if they were eligible to receive asylum?
Something smells fishy and they can't ALL have lost their identity papers/passports on their way here surely?

The people of this country have an expectation to know who enters their country with regard to the migrant's complete criminal and health background. In the UK, cases of HIV infections for instance are at a 15 year high, with over 50% of those infections found in the migrant population (legal and otherwise) who were infected outside of the UK.
Once here migrants will receive retroviral medication costing the taxpayer many thousands of pounds per year per person. This is certainly not saying that those who arrive on boats are the carriers of the HIV virus but there is an increased risk given that many migrants arriving by boats are of African descent from regions where HIV is rife.

The whole issue of migration and controlling the numbers entering the UK needs a grown up debate not some EU nonsense. The UK has been a soft touch for far too long and it's the taxpayers who are losing out and footing the bill.
If anyone disagrees with my views fine, I am quite happy to calmly debate the issue with them as the economics of the issue alone means that the people of the UK will have to accept lower living standards and higher taxes as there is no other way of funding the immigration policies we have in place right now.
We want good quality politicians. We know we don't have them. The question is why.
That is a good question but very true, we have lost politicians that were true to themselves and stood by their convictions but it was not all great. We only think we had much better politicians in the past because the current bunch are really inept and achieving even higher levels of incompetance and stupidity so making the past ones look better.

I'm personally not a Reform voter nor right wing but it's not difficult to see why the people are sick and tired of our governments doing nothing while our welfare system is being milked by fake asylum seekers. We're not talking about genuine refugees fleeing persecution, they deserve our help.
We are talking about the thousands of perfectly healthy young men paying criminals to get them across the Channel in small boats supposedly leaving their families behind in war torn regions while seeking asylum here in the UK.
But unless we take a gamble on something different then how can you expect real change, the slide into the abyss will just continue as the two party system continues in going round in circles ever downwards. Many of these so called asylum seekers are really just taking the pee, what about the albanian burglar who got locked up, let out early and deported, sneaked back in and got married to some lithuanian, had a kid and now cannot be deported so continues his crime spree. Are we really now that stupid ?

The answer whether or not you like it is that this country doesn't have the capacity in the form of infrastructure and finances to service the people already living here let alone 1000s of migrants turning up on our doorstep week after week.
Bang on because every system has a capacity that it can maintain, exceed that limit and then something has to give and just filling up our country with deadweights will capsize the boat.

All we need to do is look around and mimic another countries immigraton system, if we follow say Australia then no one can say we are not complying with any rules and there system seems to work.