When did the war in France actually start,
I am sorry I dont understand what relevance that has
Some of them want to come to the UK, nothing to do with whether France is a safe country or not
If you dont want them here, why should France take more??
just because they see it as richer pickings
Do you have evidence of that?
this is a common argument, but we are not more generous than other EU countries
Because of the issues in the UK with housing, Doctors, Dentist and the rest
all of those issues are caused by decades of domestic politics
The system does not need any more stretching beyond breaking point by hanging deadweights on it.
the dead weights on our system are the elderly
the people arriving by small boat are mostly fit young men
If you won a competition and the prize was a choice between twenty cheap and cheerful tools or just one quality tool then you pick the quality as the twenty tools just take up space in your workshop without much use.
well the people arriving by small boat are a tiny number compared to the net migration that arrive on a work visa, so you must be referring to them
which of these people arriving with a visa do you think are deadweights?
1) foreign students who pay very heavily for university places
2) nurses who work in the NHS or care sector looking after out elderly
3)manual workers who pick our fruit and veg, deliver our internet purchases, work in meat processing factories or other jobs which British people wont do
4) workers who dont mind the lowish pay and unsocial hours of the hospitality sector
Which of these deadweights dont you want here??