Still waking up not dead in the morning
Mods: may I suggest we split the grammar posts off into a new thread so we can get back to the jokes? Thank you.
Beat me to it! Just goes to show the difference between literacy and intelligence - endless, tedious quotes on a joke thread!Those extra 2 letters might (of) have caused a serious set back in my recovery . But on a serious note in today's society spelling and abbreviation have gone out of the window if you really want to make changes to that you need to start at the early learning stage not with us Old ones I'm not asking for a manuscript to be proofed . ITS A JOKE THREAD
A nod's as good as a wink..
Beat me to it! Just goes to show the difference between literacy and intelligence - endless, tedious quotes on a joke thread!
But how do you know how much you don't know, when you don't know what you don't know. Even when you know you now know more, you'll still never know how much you don't know, however much more you get to know.True intelligence is surely measured by acknowledging how much we don't know, not by showing off, and belittling others in the process, the tiny amount that we do.
Comprehensive schools? Americanisation of Society Mobile phones Stupidity IdlenessCan I genuinely ask why so many people are using the word "of" instead of "have" these days?
Please do not get started on the mathematical abilities of teachers and the general public. Oh dear I just did.I can not believe that two little letters could of awakened the correctness brigade into trying to get the joke thread ended again just get a life and move on (please excuse any mistakes in the preceding post)
I always thought that "of" means " multiply."There is no verb "to of".
It's true . Romance IS dead.