A duck walks into a bar
The barman says "Good morning, whats your name?"
The Duck responds "Good morning, My name is Dewie"
The barman asks, "How has your day been?" As he pours the duck a drink
The duck responds "Great, ive been in and out of puddles all day, what more could a duck want?"
The barman replies "Quite right you are!"
Another duck walks into the bar and sits down, the barman asks "Good morning, whats your name and hows your day?"
The duck replies, "My names Hughie and ive been jumping into puddles all day, what more could a duck want?
As the barman pours another drink a third duck comes in,
The barman says "ah, you must be Lewie!"
The third duck, bats her eyelashes and says:
"No, Im puddles"