Joke Thread 4 (closed).

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I'm watching NCIS from S1 (which I missed first time around) until I reach the part I remember, on Prime.
Spend-thrift :ROFLMAO: - I'm a tight-wad - don't 'pay' for any TV - but that does mean I have to take what I'm given :dunno:

For those of you who are placing Christmas lights / decorations in your garden, can you please avoid anything that has Red or Blue flashing lights together?
Every time I come around the corner, I think it's the police and I have a panic attack. I have to brake hard, toss my gin out the window, fasten my seat belt, throw my phone on the floor, turn my radio down, and push the gun under the seat, all while trying to drive.
It's just too much drama, even for Christmas.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
(Please keep this up and steal this post like I did...) We all need a laugh. 😂😂😂😂

Interesting to note that 90% of Australians have a distant ancestor who arrived in the country in chains, and that many Americans came to their land, because they were religious weirdos, who nobody wanted living next to them.
Interesting to note that more than 90% of African Americans have an ancestor who arrived in the country in chains...

Q: What do you call an immature snake?
A: An adder-lescent
For those unsure of the meaning.
POME - Prisoner Of Mother England
Also spelled as POHM - Prisoner Of Her Majesty

POHM or POME were stamps on the clothing of British who were being deported for their criminal activities.

Interesting to note that 90% of Australians have a distant ancestor who arrived in the country in chains, and that many Americans came to their land, because they were religious weirdos, who nobody wanted living next to them.
Interesting view on the pilgrim fathers who were feeing religious persecution from the rigid church of England. All they wanted to do was live without fear or prejudice from persecution. Ironic as the church of England came out of RC persecution a century earlier!
the pilgrim fathers

Ahh yes, the Puritans. Known for their intolerance of any other religion other than their own. Seems to be the defining factor of religion back then, but lets not paint them as something other than a closed group, intolerant of others.

They came to the new world, then embarked on a religious crusade of murdering the local inhabitants.
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