Joke Thread 4 (closed).

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Everyone would complain that there was no infrastructure, where can you fill up when the tank runs dry? Don't they catch fire more than EVs? Don't they use environmentally damaging non-renewable fossil fuels? Don't they poison the air?
is this an example of the lasting legacy of leaded petrol?
Don't they catch fire more than EVs?
NO EVs are a serious/higher fire risk. But their tank will not explode.
No problem mate. NOT sure if FedEx charge here, but UPS, DPD, DHL, and a couple of others whose names I've forgotten all definitely do.
They do. I just got hit with CHF22 + VAT by Fedex for a VAT take of just over CHF6.

This was shipped from Japan - and eBay suggested VAT was included in the shipping costs (as Amazon also do) - so someone is getting some negative feedback.
They do. I just got hit with CHF22 + VAT by Fedex for a VAT take of just over CHF6.

This was shipped from Japan - and eBay suggested VAT was included in the shipping costs (as Amazon also do) - so someone is getting some negative feedback.

OK, good to know, thanks (never had a FedEx shipment here before).

Not that it makes a difference, if we want stuff from somewhere else we don't choose the courier (the vendor usually does) and we just end up paying whatever bill they "dream up"! Take it or leave it.

I was trying to buy some quite cheap "magnetic plastic sheet" stuff of a certain size from UK (not obtainable here as far as I could see) and the vendor got quite shirty when I questioned a courier (of their choice) who's fee would have been nearly 4 times of the cost of the actual product (plus of course whatever Customs and VAT the Swiss would add)! When I asked I asked if they could use someone other than "courier X" (I forget which one it was now) the answer was "We only use X. But if you come to UK come and collect it, AND if can prove that you live in CH, then you can take it away free of all shipping charges and UK VAT)!

While we're on this complete thread drift, suggest you all BE CAREFUL of the following re repairs done "overseas" (i.e. outside your country of residence):

I had an electronics item integral to a shop machine which "blew up". Couldn't find anyone to repair it except a bloke in the US who charged USD 50 for the repair. (A new replacement item current cost is USD 150). I went ahead and it was successfully repaired (and is running now). But when the repairer filled in the "little green Declaration form" for the outside of the packet, for "replacement value" he entered USD 150. Which seems fair enough, that's what the item would have cost to replace if the packet had gone missing. BUT when my repaired item arrived here, the courier fees, Customs charges and Swiss VAT were all based on a "value" of USD 150, NOT on the repair value of USD 50. So when you think about it, the machine (to which the repaired item was integral) and which was bought in Switzerland (but imported from overseas originally) in effect attracted courier, Customs, and tax TWICE!

Yup, this IS thread drift. It's NOT a joke! :(
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OK, good to know, thanks (never had a FedEx shipment here before).

Not that it makes a difference, if we want stuff from somewhere else we don't choose the courier (the vendor usually does) and we just end up paying whatever bill they "dream up"! Take it or leave it.

I was trying to buy some quite cheap "magnetic plastic sheet" stuff of a certain size from UK (not obtainable here as far as I could see) and the vendor got quite shirty when I questioned a courier (of their choice) who's fee would have been nearly 4 times of the cost of the actual product (plus of course whatever Customs and VAT the Swiss would add)! When I asked I asked if they could use someone other than "courier X" (I forget which one it was now) the answer was "We only use X. But if you come to UK come and collect it, AND if can prove that you live in CH, then you can take it away free of all shipping charges and UK VAT)!

While we're on this complete thread drift, suggest you all BE CAREFUL of the following re repairs done "overseas" (i.e. outside your country of residence):

I had an electronics item integral to a shop machine which "blew up". Couldn't find anyone to repair it except a bloke in the US who charged USD 50 for the repair. (A new replacement item current cost is USD 150). I went ahead and it was successfully repaired (and is running now). But when the repairer filled in the "little green Declaration form" for the outside of the packet, for "replacement value" he entered USD 150. Which seems fair enough, that's what the item would have cost to replace if the packet had gone missing. BUT when my repaired item arrived here, the courier fees, Customs charges and Swiss VAT were all based on a "value" of USD 150, NOT on the repair value of USD 50. So when you think about it, the machine (to which the repaired item was integral) and which was bought in Switzerland (but imported from overseas originally) in effect attracted courier, Customs, and tax TWICE!

Yup, this IS thread drift. It's NOT a joke! :(
Back when 3dprinters were new I bought a replacement nozzle from reprap uk for 5 quid shipped to my address in Aargau (ch) .
The guy who filled in the customs Declaration decided that it was valued £70 he said it was to compensate me if it got lost.
Ended up costing me 100chf !
And that was the last time I ordered anything in Switzerland and took up German postbox
Back when 3dprinters were new I bought a replacement nozzle from reprap uk for 5 quid shipped to my address in Aargau (ch) .
The guy who filled in the customs Declaration decided that it was valued £70 he said it was to compensate me if it got lost.
Ended up costing me 100chf !
And that was the last time I ordered anything in Switzerland and took up German postbox
100 Swiss Franc equals

89.84 Pound sterling = BIG OUCH !!
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