US Election November 5th

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I think it’s more likely that liberals or the ‘elites’ , like to think they can have things their way, which is usually not aligned with the needs, desires and demands of the majority of people.
The ‘elites’ build this cultural castle which they hide in and this allows them to separate themselves with the commoner. You see this more than ever with SJW politics which is just a signalling system and why liberals now totally align with the elites (which is a total inversion of how things should be). The elites use the media to enforce this system and to keep things in line, or to keep the commoner, out in the banished space. That’s why those in the banished place must be aligned with fascism, nazis’ism etc.. all this hyperbole serves to demonise and malign (usually with no merit at all) those who do not worship the new liberal religion.
Trump just took a battering ram to that Elite castle and not only successfully breached the defences but managed to take it over.
Liberals can’t stand this. They then look for every detail, big and small, in order to destroy this invader. They train their media, their intelligence institutions, everything they have in their power to destroy it.
Trump is far from perfect but in regards to storming into the temple and tipping over the tables of the new liberal elite order, he is the greatest and most successful champion on the modern era.
And liberals hate that.
If you want a common sense opinion, ask a builder, not an ‘intellectual’ and of course intellectuals are vain, so they find this all very upsetting.
Interesting that you say ask a builder as I’m sat at the cricket with one. He’s just read your reply and said he’s not into all this conspiracy rowlocks and thinks Trump is as a wart on the backside of humanity which hasn’t really advanced my understanding 🤣

Anyway my beer has arrived so let’s just leave it that we obviously see the world differently.

He hasn't said that.
people in his condition are the ones that do not realise they are anything but normal, it is the ones around them that should realise and will eventually be the ones who suffer the most looking after him in his final years as his condition deteriates, old age is never selective.
Interesting that you say ask a builder as I’m sat at the cricket with one. He’s just read your reply and said he’s not into all this conspiracy rowlocks and thinks Trump is as a wart on the backside of humanity which hasn’t really advanced my understanding 🤣

Anyway my beer has arrived so let’s just leave it that we obviously see the world differently.

I don't think my comment said ‘every builder has to like Trump’ or anything close and Biden’s health was a “conspiracy theory and all that rowlocks” until 5 minutes ago… remember?
Biden may not have been aware of his deterioration, or possibly in denial.

Those close to him can't fail to have noticed - but telling the boss his brain is turning to porridge (sorry to be blunt) is made more difficult by the fact that job, influence (close to the seat of power), and income will all be put at risk when the boss goes.

So they continued to reinforce his view he's doing a great job - until it's too late to hide the evidence.

The very simple fact - just about 50% of US voters think Trump is the man to lead the country. To the Trump contingent, angry extreme criticism indicates Democratic failure to even see. let alone fix, all that the Republicans think is broken

It is more likely to provoke increased loyalty, than a realisation that Trump is really that flawed. Mr and Mrs Redneck need to be persuaded, not verbally harassed!
I think it’s more likely that liberals or the ‘elites’ , like to think they can have things their way, which is usually not aligned with the needs, desires and demands of the majority of people.
The ‘elites’ build this cultural castle which they hide in and this allows them to separate themselves with the commoner. You see this more than ever with SJW politics which is just a signalling system and why liberals now totally align with the elites (which is a total inversion of how things should be). The elites use the media to enforce this system and to keep things in line, or to keep the commoner, out in the banished space. That’s why those in the banished place must be aligned with fascism, nazis’ism etc.. all this hyperbole serves to demonise and malign (usually with no merit at all) those who do not worship the new liberal religion.
Trump just took a battering ram to that Elite castle and not only successfully breached the defences but managed to take it over.
Liberals can’t stand this. They then look for every detail, big and small, in order to destroy this invader. They train their media, their intelligence institutions, everything they have in their power to destroy it.
Trump is far from perfect but in regards to storming into the temple and tipping over the tables of the new liberal elite order, he is the greatest and most successful champion on the modern era.
And liberals hate that.
If you want a common sense opinion, ask a builder, not an ‘intellectual’ and of course intellectuals are vain, so they find this all very upsetting.
Trump is quite literally of the elite, from the elite, and for the elite.

It never ceases to amaze me how effective it is for those who hail from wealth and privilege to gain themselves support by talking about opposing "the elite".

I understand how people can have differing opinions on all manner of topics, but how they equate a guy who likes to be photographed in his gold lined elevator with the "anti-elite" is a truly staggering disconnection of reality. But I guess that probably makes me a libtard intellectual elite... despite coming from a line of bricklayers and blacksmiths.
Noel - that's some heavy handed moderation. I mean, the cruelty of forcing someone to visit Clacton is truly brutal.

Still, I guess at least there'd be no chance they'd bump into Nigel Farage.
In fairness I had to visit Clacton recently, and was pleasantly surprised, big improvement over the s**t h**e it was twenty years ago.
I would send them to Rhyl.
I don't think my comment said ‘every builder has to like Trump’ or anything close and Biden’s health was a “conspiracy theory and all that rowlocks” until 5 minutes ago… remember?
You said to ask a builder not an “intellectual” for a common sense opinion. That’s what I did! Okay it was a bit opportunistic of me but the whole thing of the “stupid being misled by elites” is imho a bit daft and both sides of the political spectrum use it in different forms.

Unless I’ve missed it you’ve not answered the question posed a few times about who Trump benefited during his time as president and how this manifested itself? In my book he followed through in dealing with ISIS and almost brokered peace with North Korea both of which deserve credit. Domestically though it was all empty promises that were papered over.

I don’t recollect Biden’s health being a conspiracy theory. I always saw it as an old bloke taking too long to realise he wasn’t in a position to sign up for another four years - sad and farcical that it ever came to it. It’s no less farcical that his opponent is a convicted felon etc etc

I’m out of this (not least as I’ve another day of cricket to watch while drinking beer) but remain of the view that the US and world will not be a better place if Trump wins. Ultimately though it’s a matter for the US electorate to decide and I fully respect others are entitled to their own opinion.
Trump just took a battering ram to that Elite castle and not only successfully breached the defences but managed to take it over
Trump is using the playbook of populism.

Populism is a political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups.

The problem is that populists are actually the elite themselves.

Donald Trump is a billionaire who was born into money
Boris Johnson went to the top public school in the UK
Nigel Farage went to a private school and was a city stockbroker

They are all part of the elite establishment themselves

People who support Trump don’t seem to appreciate his policies are bad for ordinary working people, they are literally voting against their best interests.

The con that Trump is selling is that he is doing for the people…he isn’t, he is doing it to feed his narcissism


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How the American bible belt can idolise a man with the morals of an alley cat baffles me.
That is interesting point.
Years ago a journalist asked many evangelical voters whether they really thought that Trump was a believer, and if they would still support him if he turned up not to be one.
One lady replied that provided he acted as he was and enacted policies accordingly, it did not matter. He was still a tool of the god.

That kind of religiosity is very flexible, and geared towards acquiring material advantages in this world, and justifying the behaviour and persuasion of the single believer.
Jesus is arguably a projection of the self, in that kind of theology, rather than an ideal to imitate.
That's why it also generates limited sympathy for the poor, because grace of god manifests itself as material gains.

Looking at things that way, many contradictions disappear. For instance, it becomes possible to justify contextually murder based on the new testament, which admittedly would be very problematic for any traditional Christian confession here in Europe.
Once an evangelical explained to me how he interpreted the Tempest, a parable about self reliance with no reference to violence on others, as a divine endorsement of murder, provided it was perpetrated in the belief you were defending yourself, others or your property (essentially defending your grace of god).

It is quite a fascinating thing and a rabbit hole which requires the believer to entangle themselves in it in full.
There’s more chance of knitting fog than persuading a MAGAt
We apparently can't change them (Rednecks) through:
  • vitriolic and extreme criticism of Trump - he is second only to G-d (or the reverse)
  • reasoned argument - they think the Trump arguments are spot on
It's all to do with the cowboy culture - steely determination, man with six shooter (or automatic rifle), self reliance, freedom, etc etc etc. The only option left is a better set of lies - even this is problematic as his supporters are evidently unconcerned about lawbreaking.

Perhaps some AI or photoshopped images of Trump in a same sex relationship, paying for abortions, could be sufficient to persuade Mr and Mrs Redneck he is not what he preaches!

Without a solution, criticism is futile. Adaptation is the only option - get used to it.
We apparently can't change them (Rednecks) through:
  • vitriolic and extreme criticism of Trump - he is second only to G-d (or the reverse)
  • reasoned argument - they think the Trump arguments are spot on
It's all to do with the cowboy culture - steely determination, man with six shooter (or automatic rifle), self reliance, freedom, etc etc etc. The only option left is a better set of lies - even this is problematic as his supporters are evidently unconcerned about lawbreaking.

Perhaps some AI or photoshopped images of Trump in a same sex relationship, paying for abortions, could be sufficient to persuade Mr and Mrs Redneck he is not what he preaches!

Without a solution, criticism is futile. Adaptation is the only option - get used to it.
And how are you any different to the rednecks you care to demean so gleefully?
Aren’t you just a snob with no real compassion for people, only concerned with getting your way?
Without a solution, criticism is futile. Adaptation is the only option - get used to it
Kamala Harris is adapting.

Her strategy is working on younger voters and female voters as well as “double haters” - those people who don’t want Trump or a frail Biden.

Trump has nailed his campaign to a mast with his appointment of VP, so all he can do is double down on his middle aged MAGA base.
Trump is using the playbook of populism.

Populism is a political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups.

The problem is that populists are actually the elite themselves.

Donald Trump is a billionaire who was born into money
Boris Johnson went to the top public school in the UK
Nigel Farage went to a private school and was a city stockbroker

They are all part of the elite establishment themselves

People who support Trump don’t seem to appreciate his policies are bad for ordinary working people, they are literally voting against their best interests.

The con that Trump is selling is that he is doing for the people…he isn’t, he is doing it to feed his narcissism
Ah yes populism.
That thing the political elites and their client chattering class refer to, when not getting their way.
The thing I hate most about political debate is how quickly I’d degrades in to name calling and extreme posturing to points. Frankly when debating gets to the level of one poster labelling another as a red neck or socialist elitist then frankly both sides have lost the debate.
I think calling people ‘red necks’ is worse because it’s a racially based form of abuse.

Pointing out the holy than though liberal orthodoxy of the day for abusing people, is nkt the same.