Pekka Huhta
Established Member
I've used just shellac mixed with black pigment (soot) with any plane. It can be applied also over original japanning
Best of all is that black shellac can be removed with just alcohol if it's required later - for example if you note that you have just painted a Miller's Patent with black spray paint :wink:
If you apply too much pigment you get a much darker black colour with just a few applications, but the surface remains foggy and a bit matted. Less pigment requires more applications, but the surface remains just a bit transparent, similar to original japanning.
Another way on an utility plane is to apply a few coats of heavily pigmented shellac and then "polish" the surface with clear shellac. Kind of a french polish over the black mat surface.
Best of all is that black shellac can be removed with just alcohol if it's required later - for example if you note that you have just painted a Miller's Patent with black spray paint :wink:
If you apply too much pigment you get a much darker black colour with just a few applications, but the surface remains foggy and a bit matted. Less pigment requires more applications, but the surface remains just a bit transparent, similar to original japanning.
Another way on an utility plane is to apply a few coats of heavily pigmented shellac and then "polish" the surface with clear shellac. Kind of a french polish over the black mat surface.