Issue with GTS 10 blade lower/rise mechanism

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Established Member
13 Dec 2013
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Looking for some advice. Recently I got myself Bosch GTS 10 table saw. As I strted to set it upo I noticed that to rise it in normal position was very difficult however to lower it was smooth as I would expect but admittedly there was some vibration coming from it. I tried to clean the cogs and the screw and that is when I noticed that when the saw was upside down it raised and lowered smoothly.
Any ideas what it could be or how to adjust it? Thank you.
What I am trying to figure out what bolt (no 23 on the replacement parts scheme) does to the moving mechanism as from the position it should somehow interact with the rise/fall rod. Any sensible ideas?
Mine one was made in 2008 and model is 3601 L 30270. Here is the scheme for it and I appologise I mistyped the part as my query could be around part no 32 which is Bolt with spring washer or Bushing part no 60. But really what I am asking if someone know how the moving mechanism (connection) is done from the threaded rod to the motor frame itself. From fidling with it so far without taking it apart there could be a possibility also due to age that the bushing is possibly worn so much that it allows play in the whole sliding mechanism which then can initiate the increased resistance when trying to raise it up. Once I decrease the weight of the motor by slightly pulling on the arm where ti rivving knife is attached or by turning whole saw upside down it works much better.
Reason why I am asking about the bolt with the spring washer speciffically is that when I picked the saw from the floor to place it on the stand this bolt fell on the floor and so far I can not find any other place on the saw where else it could go. I could be completely wrong on this but it is different from all the other bolts and there is no other place I can find apart from this one on the rise mechanism and it would make sense if the reason for it would be to adjust the of the mechanism itself.
@adrspach, it looks to me as if part 32 screws into part 29 to hold bearing number 14 in place, but you can correct me if I'm wrong?
Part 32 is surely in the wrong plane to effect bushing part 60? Screw (part 200) retains the bushing, does it not? I AM trying to help, honest!
Thank you Jester for your questions and I was aware that the 32 is in wrong plane but there was no other hole where it could go. I double checked today and what is right plane for the 32 there is a bolt still in situ and the only available hole is admittedly 180 degrees (backwards) different ans also slightly off the centre from the real 32 on that part where I can see that it should do something with the mechanism, connection.
Just to add the bushing apears to be held in situ by a circle clip simmilar to no 59.
The bolt 200 is on the top of the threaded rod holding it in situ on whole shasi alloving it to spin but not involved in the connection or movement of the saw itself.
HOWEVER as I was looking at it today in normal position and also upside down to get into it the saw decided to behave as it should. That means at least that is the success and yes Istill do not know how it happened or where the mystery bolt came from but lets hope it is not anything critical.
I will keep looking and if I find where from the bolt came or how the mechanism works I put it here.
Once more thank you Jester for your willingness to help and I hope that I can in the future return your kindness.