Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump aren't really that much different in terms of personal qualities. I've listened to people talking about Trump (who knew him before he became president). Apparently, he was a combination of (or one or the other) an affable fellow who was a little off, or someone who had a crooked sense of humor where he only laughed at stuff that wasn't particularly funny (like someone else's misfortune). I recall Adam Carolla talking about his mother saying how dangerous Trump was and Carolla knew him personally and more or said "no, he's not evil". And Adam's mother said "you don't know him" (which is apparently what she normally says to him), to which he replied "you can't actually say that about people who I know".
Adam's not stupid, and has since more or less said "I think whatever has happened to Trump during running for President and being President, I don't think he's the same guy I knew any longer", and his comments about riling people up weren't favorable to Trump.
I actually have talked to people who have worked with or for Hillary and every one of them has said that they're working for her cause, but that she's an angry rotten awful person to the core.
She and Trump are both pure ambition -at least that's how I see them. It's not a coincidence that those types of people get to the Presidency. Obama is one of the more arrogant people I've ever heard talk, and without any real accomplishments that I'm aware of other than being groomed to be President and following advisors. His response to people in the US when they didn't like his selling of globalist policy to china (increasing the income divide, increasing barriers to entry, etc) was that "he didn't do enough to explain the policies to Americans and that's the only reason the majority didn't like some of his policies".
Translate that "they're just too dumb to understand what I'm doing" (the reason that people hated what he was doing is because they understood precisely what it was). G.W. Bush had shades of competence, intermittently, and Bill Clinton was entirely competent, but flippant about some idealistic things. I really could take or leave the last four Presidents in general.
Some of the core things that Trump has done, I'm a big fan of:
* after obama couldn't get the bump stock moved to Class III NFA devices, Trump just did an end around re: the legal discussion of what constitutes automatic fire and what doesn't and demanded it be moved to class III
* no significant wars (or spending or disabilities related to them)
* easing of a lot of regulatory overhead that squashes small business
It's not hard to list the things that I'm not a big fan of (ignorance about covid, rubbish stirring, sitting on twitter all night, ignoring reasonable advisors, refusing to admit he was wrong about something to move forward). The condition of the country as of his term was tailor made for a two-term President. Reasonable handling of covid and getting off of twitter and presenting a throwback ideal about freedom and room to achieve would've had him winning in a landslide. I can't stand to listen to him talk, but I couldn't stand listening to Obama talk, either. There aren't many politicians I can stand to hear. I loved listening to Reagan talk - but he was really good at it - and could make you forget you were listening to a politician.
Wait, there's lots of journalistic info, but all is quoted from his book? All presidents visit injured service members. It's part of the job. Gw bush before Obama was head and shoulders above on this, though, inviting them with him to participate with him in daily routines, like biking and jogging without media coverage, not just the short typical press covered meetings.
Obama used "i" in presidential speeches constantly and spoke in platitudes almost entirely, which is something you'd do if you felt above actually dealing with any details. His comment about not understanding his legislative efforts was directed to people who didn't like his globalist legislative efforts, citizens, not Congress. The reason there was an oppositional legislature in the first place was due to a distaste for legislation easing transfer of business from here to China and comments to people who lost their jobs that they should get a better one, anyway, because they'd just magically appear. As if they're too unqualified to know whether or not they liked the job they lost.
He's polished and careful about his image, but like Hillary, felt entitled and focused on talking about himself.
Good points he didn't have an answer to the rust belt issues which as he alluded t, which are the real issues in the USA the disparity between the interior and the coastal cities....
Cheers James
I watched the interview last night and he didn't seem arrogant tbh.
Makes you wonder at the sense of the 2 term rule!
Then trump makes you sure of the sense two term rule!!!
I'm republican leaning btw!
Cheers James
Well good to watch Trump lie for one last time before he vanishes into his own moronic little world.
In an effort to lighten the mood, I thought I'd post this link to a very funny comedian call Jim Jefferies.
It is however, his sketch about gun control. It will almost certainly annoy some, but may also amuse some of the annoyed - as he observes.
But I do think it is worth a watch. In two parts, second suggested as first ends, IIRC. Apologies in advance to anyone offended by
a. Rude words
b. Comments about guns!
Clintons, Obamas, Bushes, etc.etc. for better or worse, in spite of failings and weaknesses, do look and sound like normal human beings, unlike the weird Trump line-up of mobsters, lunatics and mutants!Are you still here, D_W?
What you say may well be true in regard to Hilary, but Trump must surely be in a class of his own. As someone said, not only the worst president ever, but a truly nasty person.
I'm sure you enjoy your soapbox position as an American. I have an American wife and 5 American brothers in law, and we talk every Sunday, so I have some insight.
Are you still here, D_W?
What you say may well be true in regard to Hilary, but Trump must surely be in a class of his own. As someone said, not only the worst president ever, but a truly nasty person.
I'm sure you enjoy your soapbox position as an American. I have an American wife and 5 American brothers in law, and we talk every Sunday, so I have some insight.
I've watched this loads of times, its both hilarious and really gets to the heart of the gun issue.
For me Jeffries makes 2 points that chime with me:
'I hate these Bulls hit arguments about reasons to own a gun.....there is only one reason: "I like guns, don't take off me".....it's not great argument, but it's all you've got.
The other point is:
'That's the thing about crazy people, they don't know their crazy.....that's what's makes them crazy'
Clintons, Obamas, Bushes, etc.etc. for better or worse, in spite of failings and weaknesses, do look and sound like normal human beings, unlike the weird Trump line-up of mobsters, lunatics and mutants!
His world now will be the web, and his reputation will be similar to that of David Ike. He'll attract the same level of individual as David Ike.Well good to watch Trump lie for one last time before he vanishes into his own moronic little world.
Both from two legged predators, and for dangerous nature. But the argument "nobody really needs one" is a false shift
None of those are high powered weapons capable of killing people, I think you understand there's no equivalence.Nobody needs vacations or large cars, either. Or to be 400 pounds
My understanding is that he couldn't get most of his objectives past the republican senate. I like him as a statesman even now, but I suspect he wasn't the shrewdest of politicians despite his ongoing popularity and serving two terms.As I was interested to see why Obama didn't achieve some or all of things he said he wanted to achieve in office, I thought reading a bit might help.