Classic. I criticise, you characterise me as some kind of foaming-at-the-mouth deranged liberal. Mate, I'm just a 70-year old crusty popping in from the workshop while I take a break from me woodturning. But of course you know all that, you're just having fun with a bit of trolling.I find it strange and bizarre when my views - which I happily acknowledge are non conventional and possibly extreme - are more moderate and less extreme than the concensus presented here. I am supposed to be the one wearing the tinfoil hat, not everyone else. It's odd, and unsettling. It usually means I have misunderstood something.
Sometimes it only means the concensus has disappeared up its own bottom. The alt-left is just as deranged as the alt-right, except pointing out the emperor might be naked gets you into serious hot water, deplatformeded, or even cancelled. Got to love the left - so accepting and welcoming of differences of opinion.
Classic. I criticise, you characterise me as some kind of foaming-at-the-mouth deranged liberal. Mate, I'm just a 70-year old crusty popping in from the workshop while I take a break from me woodturning. But of course you know all that, you're just having fun with a bit of trolling.
Oh well done, there's at 3 in that post
Ad hominem
Appeal to extremes
Are you actually able to debate without logical fallacies?
I guess honest debating would cramp your style
Could you explain your repeated use of the term “straw man”. It doesn’t really equate to my understanding of the term. But perhaps I’m just being a bit thick.
Could you explain your repeated use of the term “straw man”. It doesn’t really equate to my understanding of the term. But perhaps I’m just being a bit thick.
Don't forget whataboutery ............. another favourite.
hardly a colossal victory for Biden, Justice and the American Way, is it? You seem to be inferring (and if you have watched the BBC and read the Guardian I quite understand why) that Trump is universally reviled and despised by virtually everyone in the world except a few lonely nutters and racist loonies