Impressive Member
I think that Trump is probably more vulnerable to an Iranian drone attack....It wouldn't surprise me.
I think that Trump is probably more vulnerable to an Iranian drone attack....It wouldn't surprise me.
There is a similarity between Trump and Stalin in that they both specialised in anti-truth - was it Stalin (or someone on the internet) who said that if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth...The idea that Stalin was a socialist is also laughable.
Sanders sounds like a middle of the road democratic socialist in the European manner. Not too dogmatic/ideological/radical but humanitarian and pragmatic.
USA problems might be over when they finally get a black/latino/native american majority in government.
The idea that Stalin was a socialist is also laughable.
Sanders sounds like a middle of the road democratic socialist in the European manner. Not too dogmatic/ideological/radical but humanitarian and pragmatic.
USA problems might be over when they finally get a black/latino/native american majority in government.
Well yes, but nothing new about it. If there's nothing in it you can toss a coin. If it's an important issue a big margin is required.Seems to me that the general public won't accept a vote these days unless there is a clear margin.
Seems to me that the general public won't accept a vote these days unless there is a clear margin.
Well yes, but nothing new about it. If there's nothing in it you can toss a coin. If it's an important issue a big margin is required.
This was Cameron's big stupid brexit mistake.
It was pretty conclusive US election results 2020: Joe Biden's defeat of Donald TrumpSo does that mean that you think the US election is too close to give a winner. Should it be 60%+
Have to respectfully disagree with you. Whilst personally I couldn't agree with them in a million years, if you are one of the 47% of republicans (according to a you.gov poll today) that believes the steal is real, then you ARE fighting for civil rights and democracy. IF I truly believed, and had been told again and again, that one political party or the other was attempting, by falsifying results, to essentially take over my country, I'd conceivably feel that I would be not only justified, but compelled to stop them in whatever way I could.
I'm not saying that individuals are not responsable for their actions, just that those actions are based on percieved truth, as a basis for personal morality.
They're forced to from a young age. I believe every school has a ceremony everyday pledging allegiance to the flag. The flag is sacred symbol in the US.
I'm not American so correct me if I'm wrong.
Comparisons to the US political situation and Stalin or Hitler are absolute stupidity, by the way
There are a few instances of voter fraud. They are numbers in the thousands. The number of votes is probably over 100 million. They inconsequential noise
Totally free so you have never worked and never paid any tax?An exceptionally silly remark!
Had a cataract op on Monday courtesy of the NHS. Americans please note this was entirely free of chargeincluding several cups of tea and some digestive biscuits! They would have picked me up and taken me back home if needed, also free.
I can't see any connection at all with flag worship. Would waving the St George flag have helped me see? Do American flag wavers get free medical care, or any benefit at all for that matter?
Incidentally, having mentioned it I must say the result was amazing and I can now see better than I have for the last 50 years. Even the colours are better. Sight with the other eye has a yellowish tinge - possibly nicotine stains from the bad old days.
Whom should I thank - St George or Aneurin Bevan?
Yes totally free, no payment asked for, no credit card demanded, no insurance documents, no prior estimate, no questions asked - even if I'd never worked or paid tax.Totally free so you have never worked and never paid any tax?
I think you guys are off track about both sides of the aisle worshipping the flag. You should actually live here. Some part of the conservative side uses the flag as a figurative thing (a sign of a 1700s constitutional ideal). I haven't met any democrats except some centrists who served in the military who so much as even own a flag that they could fly. We note that you guys in the UK are more likely to have one of your flags on clothes or sports uniforms.
The pledge is said in schools, but it's not compulsory. I have no clue where it came from, but probably somewhere in the 1920s as some part of some act. Kids are at home here - I haven't heard the pledge in teleschool, which I note because I would suggest that it would be weird seeming -I remember saying the pledge when I was a kid. There were conscientious objectors even in my school (jehovahs' witnesses were not permitted to recite it). I don't remember anything remotely close to discipline for them (there were others, too).
It's probably convenient to show the whole flag thing on TV ("look at the MAGAs shouting USA USA!!"). Areas that have a large minority population sometimes ban clothing with stars and stripes on them as divisive or not inclusive.
Seeing a flag in my neighborhood of 350 houses is fairly unusual unless it's memorial day or july 4th. There are yard signs everywhere with sayings like "hate has no home here" or "however you say hello, wherever you're from, whatever language you speak at home, you're welcome here".
My neighborhood is middle class and probably a 50/50 political mix. When you get to rural areas, you may see things like rocks arranged to say "TRUMP" or buildings with american flags painted on roofs or something, but it's the minority. It was common for citizens to have a flag pole when I was a kid (70s/80s), but it no longer is. I think the reason for that is at the time, there were plenty of veterans and children of veterans alive and there was constant peddling of the threat of the soviets, etc. That stuff is all gone now. Both sides of the aisle use the chinese and russians for scary stories only when it's convenient.
Seems to me that the general public won't accept a vote these days unless there is a clear margin.