How about this then?
Our local park, (Mary Stevens Park, Stourbridge) was donated by a rich industrialist to the people of the town. Big gates, lovely trees (Hmmm!), etc, etc.
Just recently the Council has put in a totally out-of-place stone thing to brag that it is doing its bit for the health of the borough! - I'll try to get a picture of it for you to marvel at the wastefulness of those who 'serve' us.
In addition, I recently spoke at a Council meeting to plead for them to maintain our kids school crossing patrol, which they have subsequently removed, in order to save, wait for it...... £1,500 per annum.
At the same meeting they agreed to repair and renovate the (admittedly impressive) listed Victorian gates of the park for the princely sum of....... go on, I'll let you guys have a guess at how much it's going to cost, (bearing in mind they are listed and it probably will need a specialist ironworker)
Let me know what you think and I'll reveal it soon.