I never thought that I'd say this but ...


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Established Member
29 Mar 2021
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...at this moment in time, I really wish Trump was PM because, I think amazingly he's right. Israel will retaliate against Iran....and please don't all go off on Israel this, Israel that blah blah blah...they will. Accept it. It's going to happen/

So what would you they rather did? You have two choices ...the first is to take out as much as they can ...with US help, which is where Trump would come in as opposed to that lily-livered Biden ...of Iran's nuclear aspirations because, believe me, that is their declared aim. No if's...no but's. They want to destroy not only Israel but the West.

The second is to take out their oil refineries etc which will push up the price of oil, screw up the economies of large swathes of the world...

In my mind, it is a no-brainer since we know that the Israeli's will do something. Much, much better to take out their nuclear bomb aspirations. But Biden won't support this. Trump would.
Don't think of Iran as just being all on it's own, when Israel does retaliate in a tit for tat then Iran will also retaliate but do we really know who else will assist, ie North Korea, China or one of the other eastern alliances because taking a logical view people like China want stability in the middle east and that is not going to happen whilst Israel is intact and for someone like China they would crush israel in the blink of an eye just to stick a finger up at America. The issue is on a knife edge because if America is drawn in then there will be all out war in the middle east involving other big and even bigger players so really the only answer is diplomacy, build a wall like there was in Germany right round Israel on the original borders of 1948 and deliver a two state solution but first take out the current Nety Nu nu government because they are just pure suppremist war mongers that will never allow peace.
Can you truly believe a word Trump says, if he said the sun was shining I’d still go check.
Then again as he says he would stop the Ukraine Russia war in a day no doubt sorting the Middle East will be child’s play to him.
I just find it beyond comprehension that so many are happy to support a pathological liar.
Can you truly believe a word Trump says, if he said the sun was shining I’d still go check.
Then again as he says he would stop the Ukraine Russia war in a day no doubt sorting the Middle East will be child’s play to him.
I just find it beyond comprehension that so many are happy to support a pathological liar.
He's possibly still better that the other pathological liars?:)
Can you truly believe a word Trump says, if he said the sun was shining I’d still go check.
Then again as he says he would stop the Ukraine Russia war in a day no doubt sorting the Middle East will be child’s play to him.
I just find it beyond comprehension that so many are happy to support a pathological liar.

Have you not been living in the UK for the past 10 years?

It's just a fact that many have been happy and are still willing to support proven pathological liars...
There are as many jews in the US as there are in Israel.

That the US would leave Israel to its fate seems unlikely - the Jewish population have serious influence, irrespective of the rights or wrongs of support.

Hamas and Hezbollah are unambiguously set on genocide. The use of human shields as a cover for military activity is unequivocally a crime under international law. I would not suggest that all the Israelis do is above reproach!

I doubt that Netanyahu will have real regard for that which the US may want (Trump or Biden). He will continue to pursue his current strategy - whatever it is.

My guess - he wants the international community to resolve permanently the running sores of the last 75 years - an Israel living securely in clearly defined borders without threat from its neighbours.

He will continue to expand the conflict until the international community feels obligated to do more than just bleat (empty words) about a ceasefire and return of hostages.
  • the US, Europe and most middle east states do not want conflict in the region
  • Russia and N. Korea may be happy to see it escalate - but in reality have little capability in the area and would do so out of malicious intent.
  • China would be concerned that negative actions on their part could rock relatively stable existing international and economic relationships.
The question - what will Netanyahu target as a response to the missile attack. Oil wells would risk alienating even committed supporters of Israel through economic disruption, and negate any limited benefit through sanctions on Russia.

I therefore expect his response to focus on Iranian nuclear capability - this neutralises a real potential threat. It does little damage to the rest of the international community who may even quietly support the removal a a further potential nuclear threat.
Can you truly believe a word Trump says, if he said the sun was shining I’d still go check.
Then again as he says he would stop the Ukraine Russia war in a day no doubt sorting the Middle East will be child’s play to him.
I just find it beyond comprehension that so many are happy to support a pathological liar.

He's not wired right.
But Biden won't support this. Trump would.
its easy for Trump to say that given as he is not president and the decision is now, not in January

this is a bit of political posturing by Trump

I bet in reality Trump would change his mind once his best mate Vlad had rung him up "for a chat"

On the bright side, if Trump wins, then at least he will put a stop to them "eating the dawgs"
I just find it beyond comprehension that so many are happy to support a pathological liar
Just like in the UK you have to pick the better of what's on offer, they may all be duffers but you want a slightly better duffer. Another way to look at it is that for that particular duration you are just picking the better tool for the task in hand hoping it can accomplish it but as we all know in the UK we often get that wrong. Trump might be the better tool at the moment and given his age then he could by the end of this next term just be past it and so everything moves on to the next set of clowns.

I would say trumps biggest asset is that he is about commerce and making money so conflict and war are not good for that so getting stability would be key.

I doubt that Netanyahu will have real regard for that which the US may want (Trump or Biden). He will continue to pursue his current strategy - whatever it is.

The question - what will Netanyahu target as a response to the missile attack. Oil wells would risk alienating even committed supporters of Israel through economic disruption, and negate any limited benefit through sanctions on Russia.

I therefore expect his response to focus on Iranian nuclear capability - this neutralises a real potential threat. It does little damage to the rest of the international community who may even quietly support the removal a a further potential nuclear threat.
The trouble is that he can do neither without US military support.

This is a very good explanation

I would say trumps biggest asset is that he is about commerce and making money so conflict and war are not good for that so getting stability would be key.
Well, if you're in the arms industry there are enormous amounts of money to be made.
I would politely suggest it is a complete misrepresentation…..and I am sure you know this.

This meme is frequently posted on Twitter, it has nothing to add in any meaningful debate

The USA has been the worlds peacekeeper since WW2 so it’s been involved in many conflicts…..it does not mean it has been an aggressor with Imperialist ambitions.