How much Shellac?

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Established Member
6 Apr 2009
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Twyning, Gloucestershire.
Hi everyone, I'm going to make Shellac myself for the first and want to know how much I need to mix to cover 6-7m2?
I intend to make a cut of 6:1 of dewaxed blonde flakes for the sealer and 4:1 garnet flakes for the main course. Followed by a spray lacquer for extra protection.

So the questions are: how much of each of the shellacs do I need to mix so that I won't have too much left over and is there any particular lacquer I should use with shellac?

T.I.A. Froggy.
I'm no expert in this but seeing as no one else has posted, here are my thoughts.

It's a bit of a piece oof string question, depending on what you are aiming for. I use shellac quite a bit, but only as a basic finish with a satin sheen, not for french polishing where 50 - 100 coats may be applied. I generally apply about four fairly thin coats with a cloth (I'm too lazy to make up a proper rubber), denibbing between coats and end 0000 wire wool and buff with a soft cloth. Using this method I would reckon that around 750ml of alcohol would do the job. I use a 2lb cut so 750 ml would need around 180g of shellac.

Hi Jim, thanks for the response. As I previously had no response I went ahead and made a batch, just guessing the amounts. It appears I have greatly underestimated how much I need (homer) I made a batch of 60g shellac and 240ml meths! I'll go back to the workshop and make some more!

Once again thanks for the response, Froggy.
Afternoon chaps

How did you get on Froggy? Any pics?

Jim do you have any pics of the finish you achieve with four coats? If I were to make some up in a jar with a lid, does it keep?

Do you ever go for wax over the shellac finish?

mickthetree":30oan8r2 said:
Jim do you have any pics of the finish you achieve with four coats? If I were to make some up in a jar with a lid, does it keep?

Do you ever go for wax over the shellac finish?

I haven't got any pics but have done some shelves recently so I will take one and post later. People seem to generally reckon that shellac will last about a year once it is made up. The drying time tends to gradually extend as the liquid shellac ages. I find the quantity I make up is always used inside a year and have had no problems with slow drying. I store mine in a washing up liquid squeasy bottle, the type with a cap on a bit of flexible plastic that fits ovet the nozzzle to seal it. These are very handy for dispensing it onto a cloth or, as I often do, onto the work followed by a cloth to spread it and absorb the excess.

Wax is good over the top but I try to do without on the basis that a wax shine doesn't last so I try to burnish to the final level of sheen I am after.

Hi Mick, Jim,

I made up a batch of sanding sealer and a couple of batches of Garnett shellac and then spoke to the clients who live in South Africa. They don't want me to out any finish on until they arrive here from SA, which is next Friday. So at the moment I haven't got any pics to show you. I have tried the the sealer and polish on a offcut however. I liked the finished colour but not the finish itself particularly. The stain didn't smudge (as I thought it might) but the finish was a bit dull. I could probably improve that with a few more coats, but as the clients put a hold on the finish there didn't seem that much point. If I can find the offcut tomorrow I'll take a pic of that and post it if you like?

Cheers Froggy.