How many active turners remain in UKWorkshop ?

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I still turn when the moment calls for it. Only a hobby and very basic though. Last turning was about 4 weeks ago and I made something for a neighbours boat from a piece of oak he supplied.
Still doing some.


Hi - I turn but my shed’s a right mess at the moment and I can’t get to my lathe until my 5 year old son and I complete ‘Project Trailer’.
Yes, similar place, got everything there, but can hardly get into the shed. A clean out today I think!

I'm generally bogged down with jobs that need doing not jobs I want to do.

A couple of days ago I turned a new middle wooden roller for the Suffolk Colt mower I've just sold. Time permitting I like working on both my metal and woodturning lathes. One new skill I've learned is metal spinning; I spin aluminium on my modified Graduate lathe; my Graduate has been totally rebuilt and modified now with a 1.5hp inverter rated 3 phase motor and a VFD. Both lathes have identical motors so I can run them through one VFD.

Kind regards, Colin.

Colt mower_0001.JPG

New and old mower rollers.

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Metal spinning former for coach lamp aluminium reflectors.

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Another former for the same reflectors.

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Metal spinning is very interesting indeed but can prove highly dangerous. A great deal of leverage is applied to the long tool handle; so much leverage that I fractured a rib but I'm not on my own because many metal spinners suffer a fractured rib.


I restored two vintage coach lamps; each lamp had three reflectors so here are the six completed reflectors.

I too suffered problems when first attempting metal spinning but with patience and determination I won in the end. 1050 grade aluminium is the grade needed.

Thanks for asking Blister. (y) A VFD is a Variable Frequency Drive; this is the one I have; it's 3hp but can run smaller motors once the parameters are set.

Wiring in and setting up one of these VFD's can prove dangerous due to mains electricity involved where a mistake could be the last mistake ever made.

I've had my VFD for years and found initial setting up to be highly frustrating on the Jubilee lathe I had at the time but I sure had fun setting it up to run both my current lathes; I connected remote controls and had lots of problems due to "cross talk" between the signal wiring and motor wiring; in the end I used Cat 6 cable for the signal wiring to the remote controls and added switches allowing only one lathe at a time to run; I've not seen this done before so I was on my own but both lathes are now happy. Sorry I've not got wiring diagrams and I don't want to encourage anyone to have an accident.

Kind regards, Colin.
Here is one of my slimline pens. I don’t really mind anyone making comments because I believe that’s how I may be able to improve. Or I could wish to ignore. I’m not that sensitive, but I think it’s a likeable effort.


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Thanks for asking Blister. (y) A VFD is a Variable Frequency Drive; this is the one I have; it's 3hp but can run smaller motors once the parameters are set.

Wiring in and setting up one of these VFD's can prove dangerous due to mains electricity involved where a mistake could be the last mistake ever made.

I've had my VFD for years and found initial setting up to be highly frustrating on the Jubilee lathe I had at the time but I sure had fun setting it up to run both my current lathes; I connected remote controls and had lots of problems due to "cross talk" between the signal wiring and motor wiring; in the end I used Cat 6 cable for the signal wiring to the remote controls and added switches allowing only one lathe at a time to run; I've not seen this done before so I was on my own but both lathes are now happy. Sorry I've not got wiring diagrams and I don't want to encourage anyone to have an accident.

Kind regards, Colin.

My head hurts just viewing the video , I would be useless at setting that up and probably RIP
Still doing some.



Very nice Kim glad to see you still turning.

Here is one of my slimline pens. I don’t really mind anyone making comments because I believe that’s how I may be able to improve. Or I could wish to ignore. I’m not that sensitive, but I think it’s a likeable effort.

A good looking pen the turning is good and sized correctly for the pen parts
My Dad was a good turner & taught me, I ended up with his tools & had a union graduate lathe out of a school, I enjoyed turning occasionally but usually used it just for making components for other things, musical instruments, boats, tools etc. Sold the graduate last year as i needed the space & dont really miss it. I figured for £20 a year i can use the one in the mens shed just up the road if i need to turn something!
I have a Harrison 140 metal lathe & it sees far more use.