A little background.
I used to have a 32" waist, still do in my mind.

. But over time in my early 40s it got to be over 38" when I realised that on a holliday I was so shocked I went on a diet and got back down to a 32".
Some years roll by and up goes my weight and blood pressure. The Doc. puts me on a mild medication, I say if I loose 10kg will I still need the meds? He says no but you can't loose the weight. So I drop 12kg in 12 weeks and gradually drop the meds. No problem.
A few years later up goes the weight BMI over 32! So I go back on my calorie and portion control diet and loose enough to not be fat.
Fast forward to last year. My BMI gets to be over 30! I think OK I'll go back on my calorie and portion control diet and loose weight. 4 weeks later I give up as it will not work.
As my calorie count drops so does my metabolism. So I give up as the same diet that I used before to drop about 1 kg per week did nothing.
This summer I have a checkup and in mid July. Weight 106kg BMI 33.8. I also work with no shirt on during the summer as it is hot in Thailand. The pics my wife took show me that I am fat and it is ugly.
Enough is enough.
Calorie control does not work for me now as the older you get the less it works.
So no calorie control, I can't be bothered with portion control either, doesn't work for me.
Over my 6 week holiday my weight is now dropping

it is a diet that works for me and I am loosing weight.
Today, just over 7 weeks from starting my weight is down to just over 98kg and BMI to 31.4
I still have a long way to go as I hope to get my BMI down to under 28 and that is 13kg away.
Can I do it? I think I may be able to.
I don't aim to be fit. I find excersize is boring. But I do use the train instead of my motorcycle to go to work now. So I am getting at lest 30 mins walking in a day