Here's one of my recipes for you. It's very mild so perhaps another teaspoon of curry powder wouldn't hurt. You might like to add another teaspoon of cornflour to thicken it more, but not too much - gotta watch those calories

. Oh, and I know the portions are small but it is supposed to be served on a fast day.
Lo-Cal Chicken Curry
Serves 4. Total calories per portion: 116
5 sprays of oil (5 cal)
175g chopped onion (40 cal) (half a large onion)
140g chopped carrot (30 cal) (one medium/large carrot)
100g chopped yellow pepper (33 cal) (one pepper)
200g chopped chicken leg and thigh meat, trimmed and skin removed (240 cal)
1 chopped inch root ginger (20 cal)
5g curry powder (6 cal)
5g cornflour (15 cal)
1 tin chopped tomatoes (74 cal)
Salt to taste
Chopped coriander garnish
Spray oil into frying pan. Fry onions until lightly brown, then add chicken and brown. Add carrot, pepper and ginger. Stir for a minute to allow the ginger to infuse. Add the curry powder and fry for another minute, then stir in the cornflour. Once the cornflour is absorbed, add the tomatoes and bring to a simmer, stirring.
Cook until tender.
Garnish with chopped coriander and serve with 50g brown Basmati rice (177 cal).
This blog has some useful ideas. I'm currently trying to find the Konjac/Shirataki noodles she mentions and I
may have found a retailer, but I'll have to wait until the store's next stock delivery arrives.
Oh, and
the Telegraph had a feature on the 5:2 diet a little while ago.