Matt, the DD18 is about 3.5k. I said cheaper, not necessarily cheap. I don't own a sub, never have, just opinions I have read from people that 'know'.
Agreed re the speakers, wasn't trying to suggest that discreet speakers can't work, we will probably go for in-wall speakers in our new build, just that you sometimes, for example, see one rear speaker effectively rear firing and the other side firing etc. Often I think it would be better to do without them, especially where there is no opportunity to compensate/calibrate for such odd positions.
70k system, that must have sounded pretty good, never heard anything in that kind of league.
Agreed re the speakers, wasn't trying to suggest that discreet speakers can't work, we will probably go for in-wall speakers in our new build, just that you sometimes, for example, see one rear speaker effectively rear firing and the other side firing etc. Often I think it would be better to do without them, especially where there is no opportunity to compensate/calibrate for such odd positions.
70k system, that must have sounded pretty good, never heard anything in that kind of league.