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Gumtree which belongs to ebay, I have sold loads of stuff including cars and found it very good. I would find the new price of your Machines then roughly half it for a second hand sale.
It's very variable though.
If it's some old / tired / no name tool you might be lucky to get 20% of new price.
If it's premium Festool / Fein / Mafell in little used condition you might get 70%.

Being willing to box something up and post it gives you a nationwide audience. Selling collect only means a lot of potential buyers won't travel or if they will, they'll have to factor in the cost of time, fuel and maybe even van hire. That quickly exceeds the £70-100 cost of sending a machine on a pallet.
This is a subject I have been thinking about. I'm 87 in a couple months and still active in the workshop be it only making small boxes and small tables with donated wood. I have a friend who is a tv engineer by trade but is in to DIY with limited tools and often brings things for me to thickness, rout mouldings etc.
My family, two Daughters, two Grandchildren, and a Son in law, all living 130 miles away and none remotely interested in woodwork.
If I pass away before my wife, then all my tools will stay in the workshop until she passes away, and then my family have the problem of disposing everything.
The fact they live 130 away they would not be able to be at my home to sell the tools and they would possibly be skipped.
Two weeks ago my friend came to get me to do a few mouldings for a glazed door he was restoring and I then had an idea.
I offered him to take everything free of charge upon my passing so long as he took every nut, bolt and washers and leave the workshop so it was not a problem for my family.
He was a little overwhelmed but promised he would do that for me. I know they would be well looked after and put to good use.

For my part I would like them to go to people who will make use of them and hopefully get joy from some of them like I have had.
That is my thoughts, I would rather give them to someone who maybe could not afford them but would really appreciate them than someone who is just looking to sell on for a profit.
This is a subject I have been thinking about. I'm 87 in a couple months and still active in the workshop be it only making small boxes and small tables with donated wood. I have a friend who is a tv engineer by trade but is in to DIY with limited tools and often brings things for me to thickness, rout mouldings etc.
My family, two Daughters, two Grandchildren, and a Son in law, all living 130 miles away and none remotely interested in woodwork.
If I pass away before my wife, then all my tools will stay in the workshop until she passes away, and then my family have the problem of disposing everything.
The fact they live 130 away they would not be able to be at my home to sell the tools and they would possibly be skipped.
Two weeks ago my friend came to get me to do a few mouldings for a glazed door he was restoring and I then had an idea.
I offered him to take everything free of charge upon my passing so long as he took every nut, bolt and washers and leave the workshop so it was not a problem for my family.
He was a little overwhelmed but promised he would do that for me. I know they would be well looked after and put to good use.

you really want to write that into your will. It will save unpleasantness after you have passed.
you really want to write that into your will. It will save unpleasantness after you have passed.
I have already told my family and they are really pleased knowing they are going to a good friend who will make good use of them and will save them having to go to the trouble to dispose of them.

Things do tend to change on one member of the family passing, it only takes one to say "I could have done with that..." and then another says the same and the whole family fall out and a feud starts and they end up shooting each other, I really must stop watching US sitcoms. 🤯