Have you had your booster jab ?


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29 Mar 2021
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If so, I'm interested to know how this vaccination status is displayed on your NHS App. Is your NHS App now modified to show all three jabs ?

If not then I'm particularly interested if the booster is different to your first two jabs. Does the record for your second jab get over-written by the booster jab ? In other words, say you had two AZ jabs and a Pfizer booster jab, does the NHSApp now show Pfizer for the second jab?

Why am I interested in this question? Simply because I am one of the disenfranchised who signed up for the Novavax vaccine trial and who now find it difficult, if not impossible, to travel abroad easily or to show ones vaccine status. It's all to do with Informed Consent. When we signed up to 'do our bit', the study design team were aware of this travel difficuty and yet let us all go blithely ahead without informing us of this risk.

It happened again with the Com-Cov2 trial where some folk got Moderna for their second jab. And others Novavax.

And it's happening again with the Sanofi booster vaccine trial. There is nothing in the Patient Participation letter that outlines the possible difficulty for future travel.

120 views and no-one had a booster jab ? You young'uns. Surely Jacob must have had his by now or maybe he's an anti-vaxxer ?
It was only announced last week that boosters would be available. As we have to wait 6 months from the last (second) shot I can't get it until December. I'll let you know then how it goes. 😉

The Mrs. works in healthcare (sparingly) and was to get hers friday, and then she didn't. And then she was to get it today (but she was under the weather over the weekend and has deferred again). Since she works in a hospital, I guess she can just willy nilly change the date unlike the rest of us.

I haven't gotten mine and am not in a rush, but as I had the pfizer vax on the first go around, I'm considering getting moderna for the boost if and when I do as they've cut the dose back closer to pfizer (not interested in scorched earth immunity, just enough to make covid go down easy like a light beer).
I've had 3 jabs and had a terrible reaction to the 3rd (pfizer), 4 days of shakes, shivers and fever but don't have any app
Had the Covid booster and the flu jab at the same time (one in each arm), felt a bit washed out for a couple of days but nothing major. Can't comment about the app as I don't have it.
120 views and no-one had a booster jab ? You young'uns. Surely Jacob must have had his by now or maybe he's an anti-vaxxer ?
Had mine last week. Slight soreness and hangover feeling, but might have been the booze.
I've been given cards signed and dated for each jab, haven't bothered with an app, not having a smart phone.
November for me.
Interestingly, (IMHO), am visiting son at uni in Verona and not only do they check your vaccine record whenever you enter a building, (QR reader), you MUST wear a mask indoors and a lot of people where a mask in the streets, esp when crowded.
Of the several people, (though by no means scientific survey), we've talked to, they are really puzzled by the lax attitude they see reported from the UK- they are definitely wary after the initial outbreak.
We both had ours a couple of days ago: got the email from the Govt, booked on line, got slots the next day. Doing walk-ins there too.
I was impressed by the simplicity of it all: we are not at home but away on our canal boat but just used the local post code.
Now we can go clubbing! Not.
“and who now find it difficult, if not impossible, to travel abroad easily or to show ones vaccine status“.

Myself and my wife-one jab in Scotland, one in England. Can I get joined together writing from official world and a smart app?
When I went for second jab I was told to say it was my first then to let them know on the day it was actually my second, otherwise it would be impossible. Sigh, can it really be that hard?
Had mine a couple days back. The app shows my two Pfizer but not my booster, maybe it takes a while.
Of the several people, (though by no means scientific survey), we've talked to, they are really puzzled by the lax attitude they see reported from the UK- they are definitely wary after the initial outbreak.
A lot of brits are puzzled too. It's been incredibly badly managed and it looks likely another strict lockdown is on the way.
November for me.
Interestingly, (IMHO), am visiting son at uni in Verona and not only do they check your vaccine record whenever you enter a building, (QR reader), you MUST wear a mask indoors and a lot of people where a mask in the streets, esp when crowded.
Of the several people, (though by no means scientific survey), we've talked to, they are really puzzled by the lax attitude they see reported from the UK- they are definitely wary after the initial outbreak.
We have the Italians to thank for the words malaria, quarantine, and possibly also influenza - these people know their diseases! I agree, I think in the UK we're taking more risks than are necessary. I've had my flu jab no probs at all, and have a few weeks to wait until my booster. I have no desire or need to fly anywhere.