Have you had your booster jab ?


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Due for mine tomorrow - but I don't know what it is that I'll be having. I've got invitations for the booster - but also for a Third Primary. Attempts to find out are a story of hanging around on hold - and failure. So we'll turn up for the appointment, explain the situation and see what we get.
I had my second Pfizer in Feb and my 3rd Pfizer booster in Sept (I work in care homes)

The original 2 show in the NHS app (delivered by Public Health Wales)

But the 3rd booster isn't showing yet!
November for me.
Interestingly, (IMHO), am visiting son at uni in Verona and not only do they check your vaccine record whenever you enter a building, (QR reader), you MUST wear a mask indoors and a lot of people where a mask in the streets, esp when crowded.
Of the several people, (though by no means scientific survey), we've talked to, they are really puzzled by the lax attitude they see reported from the UK- they are definitely wary after the initial outbreak.

That’s my experience too, here in Normandy. We all have to carry either paper documents showing that we have received two vaccinations, or a very recent negative test, or use a mobile phone app. New cases hereare in single figures.
Had an "interesting" journey over this. As a blood cancer patient, it's possible my immune system is compromised, so got initial jags slightly early via GP. The specialists were then recommending we got a third vaccination as soon as possible. But the rest of the NHS didn't seem to know this. Then boosters were announced, which was a start. Except that it was thought that in our cases, it should be a third vaccination, with the "booster" in another six months. Tried checking all round the NHS about this, and got nowhere. "We don't know", "Ask your GP", and, when I asked GP, they said "if you find out what's going on, do tell us". Then got invitation for flu jab along with COVID booster "if you are eligible". Went round the houses again to check this. Noone knew again. "Ask one of the bigger vaccination centres". Did the last and got told I would not get a vaccination at all without a letter from my consultant. Checked with her and she said "just take a couple of headed letters and tell them what you want".
Turned up for jags, explained the problem, was told it wasn't a problem at all, they knew all about it and I'd be recorded as a third vaccination and eligible for booster in six months. This was a small, rural centre. How come they knew all about it when the rest of the NHS didn't seem to.
Had my booster jab a week ago, slight arm soreness and feeling a bit wobbly on day two, but nothing major.
The information below is from the NHS Covid-19 Pass app, which I thought in some circumstances, might be useful to have:

My wife and I had our vaccinations on the following dates

Dose 1: Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine:

Date of vaccination 14 January 2021

Dose 2: Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine:

Date of vaccination 1 April 2021

There's no record of the Booster Jab which I had on 7th October, which I'd have thought would automatically be updated.

Furthermore, the Covid-19 Pass app it states thus:

'Your NHS COVID Pass expires: 25 November 2021 at 12.15pm'

Quite why that date, (which doesn't correspond for example, with the time or date of my second jab), I've no idea, nor whether the NHS will update the pass on 26 November.

It won't keep me awake at night - I'm unlikely to want to go anywhere where the 'passport' is called for, and as I understand it, Scotland's attempts to impose the passport as a requirement has got off to a shambolic start this week.

Ho hum - I'll keep on not minding.

I think the app "pass" on your phone expires after 1 month (did you check yesterday?) and you simply log back in to update it.

That means you can store it on your phone and show it even if you have no data access at the time, but you must log in occasionally.

I guess it's in case you lose or sell your phone or in case they change the rules. Once boosters are fully rolled out they might say "fully vaccinated" means 3 jabs, or in future a record of annual boosters or whatever so administrative expiry is necessary.
All sorted!

The 2D barcode refreshes every time you log in. If you generate a PDF copy of your pass, the barcode will expire 30 days from date of issue. To get a new one, just log back in.

No dramas.

Ooops, I posted this before I saw your reply Richard.
Having mine on Saturday.
Had a letter from my local GP's surgery asking me to make an appointment.
I don't have the app as I have no mobile phone. No intentions of getting one either I am pleased to say.
We have ours in a week and two weeks respectively

As to badly managed??

I think the whole situation has been brilliantly managed, personally I can't fault it, but have no intention of going abroad so that side doesn't enter in to it
Apparently the booster helps to restore your initial protection which falls off over time, so very likely that until / if they find a vacine that is 100% this booster will be like a regular flue jab and something we just adapt to and live with. The other interesting point is to not rush out and get it bang on six months, someone said it is better to delay for a few weeks if you are in a position to do so because that will then get you through the worst of the winter months.
I've had A-Z as my first and second jabs, Pfizer as booster.
NHS app updated overnight after my booster for me. Flu jab on t'other arm at the same time. Worked at home for the rest of the day been fine for me.
Just a fyi
A friend of mine has the first 2 injections and just received an invite for the booster - sounds good so far but he's due to go on a cruise soon.
As cruise ships are extra cautious at the moment he expects to delay his booster just in case the booster makes him fail a pre board Covid test due to a higher temperature or any other side effect. - spose a couple of weeks delay wont make any difference - beats not being allowed on ship
Myself and my wife-one jab in Scotland, one in England. Can I get joined together writing from official world and a smart app?
When I went for second jab I was told to say it was my first then to let them know on the day it was actually my second, otherwise it would be impossible. Sigh, can it really be that hard?
It's fairly pathetic that GOV are still using spreadsheets throughout this. Try downloading one of the datasets. My hi-spec computer can't open them.

Relational databases have been around for at least two decades. Oracle/MySQL etc, and should have been used in GOV since at least 2010.

As to the App designers, the nose is in the money trough.
That's the way it has occurred.
We had 2nd jabs late April, so were just about eligible last week. I'd seen stuff online alleging that booster uptake was slow and public should get on and make an appointment. Seemed odd as we received letters and texts a couple of weeks ahead of jabs 1 and 2. Rang surgery yesterday to clarify and they said they were just working through our date range, and offered appointments next week.
Reactions to jabs?
Jab 1 - me - sore arm, felt hungover for 24hrs. Wife - pounding headache 24hrs, felt 'off' for several days.
Jab 2 - me - sore arm. Wife - headache 24 hrs.
Flu jab - me - felt hungover, like I was getting a cold. Wife - sore arm, headache, shivery, retired to bed and slept for 12 hours.

Haven't downloaded any of the associated apps, but wondering if we'll need to in future as this thing rolls on.