Haggling on price - is it the done thing?


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Should you haggle on price

  • Yes - haggle away, it's up to the seller to decide if they want to accept

    Votes: 28 53.8%
  • No - The seller has already told you the price they want

    Votes: 2 3.8%
  • Depends - depends on the item/situation

    Votes: 22 42.3%

  • Total voters
This is why I dislike haggling.
If I'm selling something, I come up with a price and well, that's the price. If I wanted to get less, I would have priced it less.
I find the seller to be a bit dishonest when they ask for X but are willing to accept X-y.
It sends the message that you're not trying to get a fair price but the most you can.
If the price is unrealistically high, I just don't even consider a purchase. if its fair, I'll mostly just buy it, otherwise (assuming a somewhat realistic start point) I'll offer what I consider fair.
There have definately been times that I've thought that is a fair price, but I don't really need it, and on that occasion I'll offer the price I'm prepared to pay.

I'm always amazed at how many people think a second hand item is worth 90% of the full retail price
This is why I dislike haggling.
If I'm selling something, I come up with a price and well, that's the price. If I wanted to get less, I would have priced it less.
I find the seller to be a bit dishonest when they ask for X but are willing to accept X-y.
It sends the message that you're not trying to get a fair price but the most you can.
I'll offer the view that haggling has been the norm throughout the whole of the world for most of recorded history.
Ultimately any buy/sell transaction is a negotiation. These used to be done one-on-one according to supply and demand and the circumstances of the two individuals in the moment. I suspect that more than half the world's population may still see this as normal.

Only the advent of mass produced goods, foods and bulk raw materials act to change this, because one large seller can't have meaningful negotiations with many individual buyers.
Individual small shopkeepers and storeholders can. Oil companies and online sellers like amazon can't.

When haggling can't take place, there is still a negotiation, it just fails at the first hurdle. The manufacturer, retailer, whoever, offers an item for sale and posts their asking price. Potential buyers look or listen and in most cases don't find this OK (after all, why should they, the seller has no god given right to dictate a price to suit themselves). Sadly the big sellers aren't interested in listening, so the buyer just walks on by and finds somewhere else or something else that offers them a better deal.

In cultures where haggling is normal, it procedes according to local culture and convention. This might be impeccably polite or riotously insulting. Neither is wrong. It is simply "how things are done around here".
If we are not tuned in, this can be uncomfortable and at the end we aren't confident that we got a fair deal because the path to it wasn't familiar. I think simple unfamiliarity is the problem for many. We will be fine with it, we just need to jump in and get some practice.

When you offer something for sale you are making a first move in a negotiation. I don't think that adopting the same mindset as big corporations "my way is the only way", is the best strategy for an individual to succeed. That just encourages people to walk on by. More productive perhaps to assume the buyer is a reasonable individual with their own point of view and priorities. Draw these out, engage in conversation, argue your own position and look for a compromise that meets both your needs.
If the other party doesn't follow the social niceties, by all means cut them off. Stand up for yourself because no one else will but if we recognise that we are following in a time honoured tradition, listen and explain, both parties could have the satisfaction of making the deal together.

I bought some secondhand materials earlier this year for about $1000 on ebay.
To collect them I had to rent a van and drive several hours round trip at a cost of maybe $250
I had no hesitation in explaining this to the seller and offering to buy all of his goods but because of the time and cost of collection and the value of the goods to me, I would have to ask him for a 30% discount off his asking price.
We had a good conversation. Agreed the price. I committed the time, rental and fuel costs. I met a nice guy, bought all of his stuff rather than the bare minimum I needed, and we both walked away happy.
I bought something I could never have afforded new at the heavy discount I needed to make it worthwhile and the seller made a deal after 3 months of not finding a buyer. Very important to him, I was willing to committ the time and effort to collect and by a drop dead date that he couldn't move.

A deal is something two of you "make" where there was nothing before. It takes some effort, some knowledge, trying to see the other guy's point of view, and at least an effort to be sociable. I find it rather satisfying :)

If this encourages even one person to "make a deal" where they otherwise wouldn't have done, I'll be really pleased.
I find the seller to be a bit dishonest when they ask for X but are willing to accept X-y.
It sends the message that you're not trying to get a fair price but the most you can.
Surely a fair price is, by definition, the most you can get?
Ask for more than you can get and you won't sell the item.
Any less and you are not being fair to yourself.
Sideways has completely nailed it in a rather charming positive way I think. I always haggle. Unless the price is way to high as this means the seller can get offended. Or the right price for a good deal in which case I just buy.(I may try a sneaky small offer first though) there is no correct way just like communication of any sort. But I'm not keen on direct confrontation over buying tbh. In the early days of ebay I remember selling a dewalt chopsaw to a guy who turned up(after a buy it now) and started strong arm haggling. After telling him no the price is the price he then told me ge got it cheap anyway!
Thankfully every other ebay/fb pick up has turned out to be very positive and nice.(maybe a hundred)
I agree Sideways has put it somewhat succinctly. I also think most people forget that it applies when they are looking at a new job. They are offering a skill that the prospective employer wants and he is offering a salary and benefits in return. It's a negotiation or should be, certainly not a take-it-or-leave-it.
And, no, I'm not a raging socialist I just think its common sense, mind you I think even that is dying out along with us wrinkles.

just wondering what others thoughts are on haggling on the price, particularly on FB marketplace.

I sometimes make an offer but I'm never truly comfortable doing it. Never really sure if people expect offers, or you should just accept the price they are asking if you want it.

I guess that most people would put a high price so they can be knocked down to what they actually think they would get, so everyone is happy. Is that generally right?

what do you think?
For me it's about a few things:

1. How badly do I want / need the item
2. Convenience (distance, delivery)
3. Time
4. Knowing the worth

Depending on that I'll either make an offer or accept the price.
If this has already been said my apologies but I’ve had a few hours sleep and haven’t read all the previous posts. Do I haggle ? Usually no but if I’m for example face to face then I may ask if this is your lowest price, or would you accept x amount. EBay make it easy because they show the asking price and some items have the “ make an offer option “ which I’ve used several times . I’m happy if I can offset the postage but again if it’s something I want then happy to pay the asking price. However if the item is rare or difficult to get and the price is reasonable then it’s ( buy it now ) because I don’t want anyone else to get it for the sake of a few pounds .
For me any purchase is a negotiation. Anything has an intrinsic value, often either buyer or seller hasn’t done their research and have unrealistic expectations. The art of negotiation is create a relationship with the other party, highlight your perspective, and to hopefully come to an agreement that both parties are content to accept. I try to make the interaction fun / amusing if I can. A good deal is when neither party have buyers or sellers remorse. My perspective, is pay or sell at a realistic and fair price.

I have found buying woodworking stuff that just about everyone I’ve met has been a really nice, honest and decent individual. I usually negotiate on prices, sometimes to convince the person that they are asking too little and I’ve paid more than they were asking. This has happened a few times usually with the disposal of the effects of a wood or metal worker no longer able to use their kit.
“It´s unwise to pay too much, or to pay too little.

When you pay too much you lose a little money, but that is all.

When you pay too little, you might lose a whole lot more, the respect that you crave, the understanding of the person you deal with.

If you have to deal with a lowest bidder, it´s well to add something extra for the risk you run.

And if you do that, you will have enough to pay for something better.

There is scarcely anything in the world that some man cannot make a little worse, and sell a little more cheaply. The person who buys on price alone is this man's lawful prey”.

John Ruskin – 1819-1900​
I think @deema and @Phill05 are obviously very honest men . I don’t think you can say fairer than that . I’ve never had such a deal but I liken it to paying for goods in a small family run business like a shop for example- you pay your 4.60 and hand over your £10 . You then receive £15.40 change . Now to a large superstore this probably won’t affect their profits but to a small business it’s a decent chunk that will hit them hard . Either way it’s just nicer to point it out . It happened to me several years ago in West Sussex-. The type of shop that only does local trade and knows all their customers by name . As a stranger her smile and manner was as if she had known me for ever .The look on her face when I said you’ve made a mistake with my change . She counted it out again and said it’s correct as you gave me £20 . I then said I gave you £10 - she was overjoyed at my honesty and I felt so good it made my day .
"She counted it out again and said it’s correct as you gave me £20 . I then said I gave you £10 - she was overjoyed at my honesty and I felt so good it made my day ."

This how it should be the country would be so much better off for Honesty!!
Anything second hand that is still available to buy, is worth what somebody will pay for it. It's not really worth some notional price based on a large percentage of the new price.
Antiques, or rarities are of course another matter.
So if I do sell anything, I try not to be silly about the price in the first place, and I'm open to offers usually.
Same as if I'm buying something I will make an offer. If it's overpriced, then I either won't, or I'll explain why I'm making a low offer.
A Land Rover from 30 years back springs to mind. Drove a fair way to see a pile of rust that had been "professionally repaired"
He was I think, upset when I told him why I wouldn't be making an offer, or at least not one he would accept.
haggling on the price, particularly on FB marketplace
Fb marketplace is a terrible place to sell, its full of chancers wanting to pay peanuts

the most common thing is to agree a price, then find the person turns up saying "oh we agreed £240 , but Ive only got £160 is that ok"

Ive bought some really good things on FB marketplace but its not great for sellers at all
I tend to ask the question - are you open to offers? Then I take it from there. I often find people ask a bit more so they can come down to the price they actully wanted. No harm in asking the question politely. And no harm in the seller responding politely either. The response 'sorry, no offers' should not offend any potential purchaser.

Depends /.... for services no I don’t haggle the person know their worth
Goods, car boot sales then you I will try it on.. if they say no I have a laugh with them and walk away.... if I reall want it then 5 to 10 mins later I will go back and pay the price
It’s easy to get caught up in the moment, by walking away I can think do I really want/afford the item
I would normally ask a seller if are they open to offers or is the price fixed. If the price is fixed and I think it's too much I will politely thank them and be on my way.
If they are willing to negotiate around a price then I will no doubt have a figure in mind which I'm prepared to pay without the need to haggle. If they are open to offers then I will offer a fair amount to the limit I'd pay which would be my final offer. It's then up to them if they accept my offer or not.
I don't like haggling or trying to rip sellers off and prefer to negotiate a fair price prior to turning up to view the item.

If the item is as described then I'm quite happy to pay what I offered.
Sometimes people are so greedy. Years ago Mrs and I did a craft show (all day nothing) we had peeps look ant then offer 50 pence that we had priced at £5
They got told..... and lost
I think there’s a limit in what you can accept from a seller . Is it their primary income or just a little extra to make ends meet . Certain events like craft fairs or antique centres pay huge prices for their pitch . They have to make a certain amount to cover this cost . My neighbour is an ice cream man and often covers events at Weston park , county show grounds and the like . He can pay a£1000 and above for the right to sell his wares at their event and they also stipulate what price he can charge for cokes Cone ice cream etc so I wouldn’t haggle in these situations. I mean if I’m asked how much to install a washing machine for eg then I’m happy to look at what’s involved and price it accordingly. If I hear that’s a bit much or is that the cheapest price or how much for cash the price goes up so I don’t expect others to be any different. A lot of sellers will sense you’re interested and will offer some reduction or a deal if you buy 2 or 3 .
Easier on e-bay with the "Offers" option, if its not there it's obvious they are not open to offers, but still does not stop me asking on an auction if the seller has a "Buy now Price"

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