I've just acquired a Power Pro Performance P Pro (one of them...) router table and looking for some advice on a budget router that will fit. The name I see again and again is the Trident TRA/MOF001and Trend T11 models and I'm sure they will be a good investment, but are still over £150 second hand. Any suggestions on what other routers would work well with the table? I see a lot of Hitachi M12 and the odd veteran big brand router for sub £80 on marketplace/eBay, but not a lot of information on how convinient it would be for a table and if it needs a lift kit or other exta accessory kits. If you've never used a router before and are not familiar with the plunge and lift kits, it's essenially a mine field trying to buy one. I know ultimetly most will work with some retro-fitting, but for things like this where you're looking for features not necesarily even listed on the manufacturer product page, I find it useful to have a spreadsheet with the popular routers and what boxes they tick. Before I make one, does such a spreadsheet already exist? If not, I'm happy to combile the information. What would be helpful is some info to populate collums such as below. Not entirely sure how to word all the criteria so advice is most welcome.
I've just acquired a Power Pro Performance P Pro (one of them...) router table and looking for some advice on a budget router that will fit. The name I see again and again is the Trident TRA/MOF001and Trend T11 models and I'm sure they will be a good investment, but are still over £150 second hand. Any suggestions on what other routers would work well with the table? I see a lot of Hitachi M12 and the odd veteran big brand router for sub £80 on marketplace/eBay, but not a lot of information on how convinient it would be for a table and if it needs a lift kit or other exta accessory kits. If you've never used a router before and are not familiar with the plunge and lift kits, it's essenially a mine field trying to buy one. I know ultimetly most will work with some retro-fitting, but for things like this where you're looking for features not necesarily even listed on the manufacturer product page, I find it useful to have a spreadsheet with the popular routers and what boxes they tick. Before I make one, does such a spreadsheet already exist? If not, I'm happy to combile the information. What would be helpful is some info to populate collums such as below. Not entirely sure how to word all the criteria so advice is most welcome.
- Router Brand and Model
- Height/plunge adjustment included or needs a lift kit?
- Top of table adjustment?
- Adequate tool change room (or needs collet extension, collet spanner)
- Variable speed?
- 1/4 or 1/2 collet
- Power (W)
- Price (new/used)