And its not even the intresting grass!I’m impressed. A thread about grass hitting 150 posts!
Lets all talk about weed

And no, i haven't tried moss

And its not even the intresting grass!I’m impressed. A thread about grass hitting 150 posts!
The birds like it. but the loose bits wash down & block gutters & pipes to water butts.Is there any evidence that moss harms roofs, other than the obvious thing of obstructing drainage?
Been googling on this and can find nothing at all. Seems to be a myth.........
If moss grows on glass for along time ( many years ) it microscopically pits the glass, glass is not known for having surface fissures.Next time you see a deserted moss covered building with any windows, if you can, root around to find some glass with moss on .remove the moss by simple rubbing, wash to remove dirt. The glass surface is pitted.