My personal findings on this is that the people I know that went through "higher" education all have BA's Abc 123's and vitamin C's and god knows what after their name and they do quite literally think they are above stacking shelves or getting their hands dirty . I will emphasize that I DO NOT think this of all students .
How I would look at it is that if someone wanted to work for me and were a "brain Surgeon " first thing I would be worried about is that they will bugger off and leave me in the xxxx at the first chance of a job for 5p and hour more and also the fact that if they were so keen to be qualified in qauntam physics why do they want to work for me !!!
I am not saying we should throw them all in shackles and make them row to west indies in search of exotic spices . Just really give them something to do and EARN their way in life and stop waiting for the perfect job to land on their doorstep with a begging letter asking them to work for £50,000 a year .
When I left school at 16 I had nothing in the way of qaulification and I took a job cutting grass and marking sports pitches ., I then made my plans and worked my way to where I am now . I put myself through an apprenticeship , payed for it myself , worked hard and got here .
It seems so easy to go to Uni and study a course on David Beckem and come out with a degree which is about as helpful in the real world as a chocolate kettle . A friend I know has just finished uni at the age of 29 , he has more qualifications than us lot put together , he has been in education from the age of 5 to 29 ....and do you know what he chose to do for a career .............He is a fishing coach and teaches how to cast rods ... What a muppett .
What would be wrong with uni's and colleges saying we have 20 places for this , 20 places for that etc and when they are gone , tough , get a job or study something else , that way we might possibly end up with suitably qualified people ... I am sure we have all had jobs we hated or hate but we do it to pay the bills and be Responsible , not drain the system .
Kind regards Sam