I pray that you all had a wonderful Christmas and that your hopes of a joyous New Year will be fulfilled. I want to say a few last words before I stop posting in this thread.
Jacob, Jesus was perfect – you aren’t. You are a classic leftist, obstructionist whose desire seems to be the nanny state in its most doting form. You have not studied nor do you understand history as many leftists don’t – it is your trenchant desire to rewrite it. Bolsheviks are the party of Lenin – the word means majority followers. It matters not the geography the People’s Army of North Vietnam reflects the Leninist adherence. What we fail to remember we are condemned to repeat. The behavior of the left is to use ridicule and mockery to deride and cajole the free into their pigsty – as my father would say ‘two things happen when you wrestle with a pig you get dirty and the pig likes it.’ He’s right, enjoy the pigsty!
We will not agree on the gun policies that are espoused in Europe and you have the absolute right to believe in what you believe. I don’t live in ‘fear’ contrary to what my expatriate countryman has stated. Our nation was founded in anathema to the tyrannical rule so widespread in Europe and especially England at the time of our Revolution. All of our founding philosophy grew in discontent. Even our planting on this shore grew out of discontent. There is a restlessness of freedom that the complacent and yielded will never understand and that’s okay. We care what happens to you. I am an adherent of the policy that says let them have their condition – don’t wade into it and become a victim with them.
My ancestors are European: English, French and German as well as Iroquois
I have been a student, a soldier, a businessman and a pastor – I will always be a student – there is much to learn that’s why I came to this board. There is nothing you can say that will harm me and all of what you say is read by me and the hype and hyperbole does little more than make me smile knowing the futility of the words that come so cheaply and are thrown about so loosely that is the way of the Alinskyites, the Bolsheviks and the Marxists you may include the Maoists if that makes you happy.
I will continue to visit this forum; ask questions; share my woodworking plans; projects and limited experience. I am still a student even into my dotage. Please use common sense, understand the data, be truthful, be kind and if you don’t believe in the other person’s faith in God at least be respectful of his or her belief.
I won’t post again in this thread. I don’t know anything of Godwin’s Law, rule or theory. God bless each of you. Let the ‘chips’ fall where they may; keep your tools sharp and you ruler handy.
Reverend Wayne
P.S. To my SAS brother Ric - semper vigilans all the way!