God Bless America


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riclepp":1xtslew6 said:
I am out of this thread, as it appears that whatever Jacob say, goes; despite the fact he is spouting his own opion and has no actual proof to back it up.

Not sure I agree with you Richard.

Without exception my ex-wife always insisted on having the last word, so whatever she said goes....

"Goes" in my one ear and out the other! :wink: :lol: :ho2
I pray that you all had a wonderful Christmas and that your hopes of a joyous New Year will be fulfilled. I want to say a few last words before I stop posting in this thread.

Jacob, Jesus was perfect – you aren’t. You are a classic leftist, obstructionist whose desire seems to be the nanny state in its most doting form. You have not studied nor do you understand history as many leftists don’t – it is your trenchant desire to rewrite it. Bolsheviks are the party of Lenin – the word means majority followers. It matters not the geography the People’s Army of North Vietnam reflects the Leninist adherence. What we fail to remember we are condemned to repeat. The behavior of the left is to use ridicule and mockery to deride and cajole the free into their pigsty – as my father would say ‘two things happen when you wrestle with a pig you get dirty and the pig likes it.’ He’s right, enjoy the pigsty!

We will not agree on the gun policies that are espoused in Europe and you have the absolute right to believe in what you believe. I don’t live in ‘fear’ contrary to what my expatriate countryman has stated. Our nation was founded in anathema to the tyrannical rule so widespread in Europe and especially England at the time of our Revolution. All of our founding philosophy grew in discontent. Even our planting on this shore grew out of discontent. There is a restlessness of freedom that the complacent and yielded will never understand and that’s okay. We care what happens to you. I am an adherent of the policy that says let them have their condition – don’t wade into it and become a victim with them.

My ancestors are European: English, French and German as well as Iroquois

I have been a student, a soldier, a businessman and a pastor – I will always be a student – there is much to learn that’s why I came to this board. There is nothing you can say that will harm me and all of what you say is read by me and the hype and hyperbole does little more than make me smile knowing the futility of the words that come so cheaply and are thrown about so loosely that is the way of the Alinskyites, the Bolsheviks and the Marxists you may include the Maoists if that makes you happy.

I will continue to visit this forum; ask questions; share my woodworking plans; projects and limited experience. I am still a student even into my dotage. Please use common sense, understand the data, be truthful, be kind and if you don’t believe in the other person’s faith in God at least be respectful of his or her belief.

I won’t post again in this thread. I don’t know anything of Godwin’s Law, rule or theory. God bless each of you. Let the ‘chips’ fall where they may; keep your tools sharp and you ruler handy.

Reverend Wayne

P.S. To my SAS brother Ric - semper vigilans all the way!
revwayne":1pcgd5s5 said:

Jacob, Jesus was perfect – you aren’t. You are a classic leftist, obstructionist whose desire seems to be the nanny state in its most doting form. You have not studied nor do you understand history as many leftists don’t – it is your trenchant desire to rewrite it. Bolsheviks are the party of Lenin – the word means majority followers. It matters not the geography the People’s Army of North Vietnam reflects the Leninist adherence. What we fail to remember we are condemned to repeat. The behavior of the left is to use ridicule and mockery to deride and cajole the free into their pigsty – as my father would say ‘two things happen when you wrestle with a pig you get dirty and the pig likes it.’ He’s right, enjoy the pigsty!

Reverend Wayne

Thank you, Rev Wayne. That little sentence sums up what many of us think. =D> =D>
Godwin's law.

Interesting sermons from Rev Wayne, our correspondant from the American "Christian right' also known as 'America's own Taliban'.
In many ways the Taliban and Al Qaeda are a mirror image of American attitudes with american militarism being their chief recruiting force.
The 'War on terrorism' has had exactly the opposite of the intended effect and has fed and nurtured it instead. Every dead innocent (collateral damage) from drone bombers and other militarism creates new martyrs, willing terrorists and suicide bombers bent on revenge.
Good for the armaments business but bad for absolutely everybody else, especially the dead on both sides.
As someone in their late seventies, who has only recently joined this site, I am appalled at the rudeness of Jacob and the vitriol which emanates from him when he pontificates on subjects that he so obviously has little true knowledge of. He seems to have been particularly rude, in my opinion, to members of this site who live in America. In a previous life I have been a Counsellor & one of the underlying principles is to offer advice & not try to ram it down other peoples throats, as Jacob seems to be doing most of the time. According to the moderators he is a 'Valued Contributor' (???) & yet at the time of me joining, he appeared to have been instrumental in the withdrawal from the site of David Charlesworth, a person I do not know, but who seems to enjoy a first class reputation in woodworking circles (why was this?). Is it not time for the moderators to pull the plug on this particular thread.
RogerS":1pkxz8hc said:
revwayne":1pkxz8hc said:

Jacob, Jesus was perfect – you aren’t. You are a classic leftist, obstructionist whose desire seems to be the nanny state in its most doting form. You have not studied nor do you understand history as many leftists don’t – it is your trenchant desire to rewrite it. Bolsheviks are the party of Lenin – the word means majority followers. It matters not the geography the People’s Army of North Vietnam reflects the Leninist adherence. What we fail to remember we are condemned to repeat. The behavior of the left is to use ridicule and mockery to deride and cajole the free into their pigsty – as my father would say ‘two things happen when you wrestle with a pig you get dirty and the pig likes it.’ He’s right, enjoy the pigsty!

Reverend Wayne

Thank you, Rev Wayne. That little sentence sums up what many of us think. =D> =D>

But not all of us.
Silverbirch":8g465iqn said:
But not all of us.
=D> =D> =D>

I'm happy our country can celebrate its past without living in it. What might have been appropriate for the 18th century isn't necessarily appropriate for the 21st century. I believe our culture has advanced since the 18th century, but not all other other nations can claim as much.
WandrinAndy":2jc6alcn said:
A topical post Greg as the gunman had apparently "initially served 17 years in prison for beating his 92-year-old grandmother, Rose Spengler, to death with a hammer on July 18th 1980. He did not have a license to own a firearm."

May I suggest that while we keep the victims in our thoughts, we request that the anti-lobby also refrain from banning hammer ownership!

Not necessary - you try killing a class room of kids, or an unarmed policeman, with hammer! No chance. You might get one from behind (or a 92 year old) if you were lucky, but that'd be it.
Gill":3ctc4nl1 said:
I'm happy our country can celebrate its past without living in it. What might have been appropriate for the 18th century isn't necessarily appropriate for the 21st century. I believe our culture has advanced since the 18th century, but not all other other nations can claim as much.

Do I detect just a hint of national superiority there Gill?

I agree we Brits have advanced in some areas, but most definitely not in others... One of our biggest faults is that we have difficulty in recognising that there are contexts on the planet that differ from our particular (and brain-washed) context.... The 21st century in our context can even be many centuries divorced from that of other contexts.

I'm afraid that dear Blighty is very much in decline........ We are far too risk averse....... and vastly over-governed by the political classes.
WandrinAndy":1wlrpxh8 said:
Do I detect just a hint of national superiority there Gill?
Yes :) . Our approach is superior because we do not allow ourselves to become hidebound by antiquated laws which cannot be amended when it is in the interest of our society to do so. 'Dear Blighty' is not in decline... it may not be the powerhouse it once was but it remains a force to be reckoned with and has the wherewithal to re-invent itself. If our fortunes on the world stage seem to be dipping at present, it would be a mistake to think we cannot come back in a different form, as strong as ever.

Someone once said that Afghanistan is a country with a 13th century outlook in the 21st century. I don't understand how a country with an 18th century outlook can succeed in the 21st century either. The vast majority of Americans are fine people and I hope that one day they will realise they are no longer frontiersmen who need to be ready to defend themselves against British invaders. I may be wrong but I think the likelihood of the British invading the USA is low.
In my opinion the second amendment is not relevant any more for the reasons Gill gave. Furthermore when it was written they didn't have automatic weapons like they have now. I completely fail to see how it is in anyone's interest for ordinary members of the public to possess automatic weapons.
Slinger":qp4lvjov said:
According to the moderators he is a 'Valued Contributor' (???)

Those "ratings" are simply a translation of how many posts someone has made. There's a simple table in the forum software of number to label,

The quality of the posting is not a factor :)

Slinger":1c1se878 said:
As someone in their late seventies, who has only recently joined this site, I am appalled at the rudeness of Jacob and the vitriol which emanates from him when he pontificates on subjects that he so obviously has little true knowledge of. He seems to have been particularly rude, in my opinion, to members of this site who live in America.
Only the vicar. I think his opinions are appalling. I don't think I'm alone either. The vicar even misquotes Jesus in support of armaments-for-all (ignoring the better known and well understood "for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword").
On the other hand our other American kirkpoore1 sounded very sensible
.......ram it down other peoples throats, as Jacob seems to be doing most of the time.
And you are doing it now. This isn't a counselling session it's supposed to be a lively debate. You could adopt a counselling approach if you think that would be effective, no need to be rude and aggressive.
..... he appeared to have been instrumental in the withdrawal from the site of David Charlesworth,....
Really? Why do you say this? Seems very unlikely to me. A very odd thing to say. Is he posting somewhere else?
revwayne":10rijc3h said:
Our nation was founded in response to tyranny and oppression.

For those of you who disagree - that's okay; seek first to understand...


I presume you are talking about the oppression of the native Americans and the trade in slaves and as for the mass killings, you seem to have forgotten the Nuclear bombs dropped in the women and children of Hiroshima (Circa 150,000 killed) and nagasaki Circa 70.000 killed) which was preceded by a firebombing campaign designed to destroy many Japanese cities.

What I was trying to point out is the mentality behind decision making like this.
Legal. Illegal in USA.jpg

The kinder egg poses a potential danger to children...........
For all you Scotsmen out there, the humble Haggis is also banned in the US



  • Legal. Illegal in USA.jpg
    Legal. Illegal in USA.jpg
    36 KB
andersonec":1gh8kn70 said:
.....you seem to have forgotten the Nuclear bombs dropped in the women and children of Hiroshima (Circa 150,000 killed) and nagasaki Circa 70.000 killed) which was preceded by a firebombing campaign designed to destroy many Japanese cities.


I'm sorry but I think you are out of order with this one. Were you there during World War II ? It's very easy (and indefensible) to take the moral high ground from the comfort of your armchair in 2012.
From Harvard university.

http://www.news.harvard.edu/gazette/200 ... icide.html

So chances are 40 million of the earlier quoted 80 million gun owners in the US will suffer from some sort of mental illness in their life.

Personally that`s not a thought I`d like to have to live with, so am more than happy to live over this side of the pond.


revwayne":ixh5ml11 said:
I pray that you all had a wonderful Christmas and that your hopes of a joyous New Year will be fulfilled. I want to say a few last words before I stop posting in this thread.

Jacob, Jesus was perfect – you aren’t. You are a classic leftist, obstructionist whose desire seems to be the nanny state in its most doting form. You have not studied nor do you understand history as many leftists don’t – it is your trenchant desire to rewrite it. Bolsheviks are the party of Lenin – the word means majority followers. It matters not the geography the People’s Army of North Vietnam reflects the Leninist adherence. What we fail to remember we are condemned to repeat. The behavior of the left is to use ridicule and mockery to deride and cajole the free into their pigsty – as my father would say ‘two things happen when you wrestle with a pig you get dirty and the pig likes it.’ He’s right, enjoy the pigsty!

We will not agree on the gun policies that are espoused in Europe and you have the absolute right to believe in what you believe. I don’t live in ‘fear’ contrary to what my expatriate countryman has stated. Our nation was founded in anathema to the tyrannical rule so widespread in Europe and especially England at the time of our Revolution. All of our founding philosophy grew in discontent. Even our planting on this shore grew out of discontent. There is a restlessness of freedom that the complacent and yielded will never understand and that’s okay. We care what happens to you. I am an adherent of the policy that says let them have their condition – don’t wade into it and become a victim with them.

My ancestors are European: English, French and German as well as Iroquois

I have been a student, a soldier, a businessman and a pastor – I will always be a student – there is much to learn that’s why I came to this board. There is nothing you can say that will harm me and all of what you say is read by me and the hype and hyperbole does little more than make me smile knowing the futility of the words that come so cheaply and are thrown about so loosely that is the way of the Alinskyites, the Bolsheviks and the Marxists you may include the Maoists if that makes you happy.

I will continue to visit this forum; ask questions; share my woodworking plans; projects and limited experience. I am still a student even into my dotage. Please use common sense, understand the data, be truthful, be kind and if you don’t believe in the other person’s faith in God at least be respectful of his or her belief.

I won’t post again in this thread. I don’t know anything of Godwin’s Law, rule or theory. God bless each of you. Let the ‘chips’ fall where they may; keep your tools sharp and you ruler handy.

Reverend Wayne

P.S. To my SAS brother Ric - semper vigilans all the way!
Very interesting defensive wall of paranoid text from someone who claims not to live in fear! Classic. So interesting that I've copied it to work over in more detail.
Wayne - it's safe to put down your weapons and come out! You too can join the civilised world. You'd be welcome, as long as you leave your weapons at the door!

PS To get revwayne's fear into perspective - 3,000 people died at the hands of Al qaeda (we presume) in 2001 (9/11) a shocking and horrifying event.
In the intervening 11 years approximately 110,000 Americans have been shot dead by their fellow Americans.