friction paste? non setting glue? does such a product exist

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Established Member
21 Feb 2020
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South West
I was given a saker scribe tool / deep pencil set ( for christmas, looked great, but a few moments playing with it and you could see it just wasn't quite right, primarily because it has so many points that need to be hand tightened but really don't firmly grip and lock an angle in place. One of the adjustable knobs was so firmly jammed out of the box that I had to take pliers to it and still struggled to loosen it, whilst at the same time it wasn't locking the angle in place. I figured I could probably add a washer into the mix and increase the grip, so i fully unscrewed the adjustment knob, to the best of my knowledge nothing fell out, but when I put things back together there was just no way at all that the angle was going to grip, no matter how much it was tightened. I have in fact found a few washers that have at least made it functional now, But what I am wondering is is there a product that could be put into the joints that would stiffen things up, whilst still allowing movement, almost a glue that never sets?
i had the same problem , could not tighten one of the knobs and fix the pencil postion - cant find/remember the details, and cannot find the order , I thought it was via amazon , but maybe not, - I got a full refund, not a great product, very disappointing ,
i had the same problem , could not tighten one of the knobs and fix the pencil postion - cant find/remember the details, and cannot find the order , I thought it was via amazon , but maybe not, - I got a full refund, not a great product, very disappointing ,
agreed not a great product, the similar tracer branded product looks a lot better. very gimmicky, seems like it could and should be a great little tool but just misses the mark and becomes near enough useless
but just misses the mark and becomes near enough useless
i wish i could find my comments / emails - tht was one of my points - not fit for purpose, simple screws that were not made properly to tighten a joint , its pretty basic. As you say washers needed - I think i had some bolts of various sizes from Lidl and one of those tended to work properly
I had a similar problem with a (rather larger) grub screw unscrewing itself. After a LOT of reading, I found two products in the known universe (would welcome more suggestions):

Vibra-tight "re-usable threadlock" - hard to get in the UK, but some bike suppliers have little sachets at reasonable cost
Linseed oil. This is the "old fashioned solution" and it's working for my case. LO slightly better than BLO, but I'm using BLO as I had it to hand.
I had a similar problem with a (rather larger) grub screw unscrewing itself. After a LOT of reading, I found two products in the known universe (would welcome more suggestions):

Vibra-tight "re-usable threadlock" - hard to get in the UK, but some bike suppliers have little sachets at reasonable cost
Linseed oil. This is the "old fashioned solution" and it's working for my case. LO slightly better than BLO, but I'm using BLO as I had it to hand.
would never have thought of lindseedl oil, I'd consider it in the lubricant catigory, do you treat it in a similar fashion to contact adhesive, ie let it dry of before closing things up? useless daft gadget.
It looks as though it might be useful but I bet nobody even bothered to test it before they "designed" and marketed it.
Scribing easiest with hand held pencil held fixed distance by jiggling with knuckles and backs of hand.
If a high tech precision version is required then find a short lath or bit of dowel etc and attach pencil at required distance with criss crossed elastic band. Or a pair of compasses etc etc.
Say no to daft gadgets!
Have a look on Loctite as they do threadlockers with different effect. Some permanent and some semipermanent.
Have a look on Loctite as they do threadlockers with different effect. Some permanent and some semipermanent.
Or have a look at fastening two pencils together crosswise, held by elastic band wound round. Long pencil for the shaft, short for the scriber. If not too tight is easily adjustable. Octagonal shafts, not the round ones