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Alf":1m0e3thu said:
Philly":1m0e3thu said:
No #2 or #8?? Call yourself a Co##ect#r? :roll: :wink:
No. I call myself a user.
No #6 either, you'll notice.

No, I bought that off you :D
ummmm...... lets see now....

#9.5 (2)
#71 (2)
#98 & #99
gunmetal charriot plane

4 off assorted spoke shaves
craftsman made old womans tooth
god knows how many card scrapers

edited....cos I'd forget ma heid if it wasn't bolted on with stud-lock....
Alf":l0o8oemf said:
Aragorn":l0o8oemf said:
Where's Alf got to with that list then... :?:
I was going to wait until everyone had an opportunity to air their wit...
Miaow! :wink:
Touchy topic for you?

Nice list, by the way. Setting the standard, as all good master cabinetmakers should :!: :wink:
Boy, I see things are getting out of hand here!
I forgot a few, not really planes but since the others are mentioning them:
spokeshaves (low and high angle)
card scrapers
homemade beaders
cabinet scraper (80)
hollows and rounds (used a few times a year)
wooden rabetting skew
3/4" beading plane (wooden)
Now I'm not counting my planes that are just sitting around, the ones just gathering dust, the molding and match planes that I might use within the next century, the ones waiting to be recycled into marking gauges or firewood, nor the ones I have just in case. Don't make me count them!
Hhhmmm...adding to my list.

Reading the latest posts has reminded me of the woodies mouldering in an equally ancient box in the workshop. Must be at least 12 or so assorted moulding planes.

Brilliant!!!!!! I knew I didn't have as many planes as I should!!! :D

List as it stands:

9 1/4 block
60 1/2 block (luvvit!)
#4 (2 off)
#5 1/2
#50s (inherited. Pass me the DeWalt please!)
Large shoulder
Wooden jointer

5 1/2 would be the first one reached for I guess but the 60 1/2 is my fave

#7 is next on the list. Out with the Axminster catalogue and to heck with the buggy for the unborn baby.........

.........well, there's no harm in day-dreaming! :?
here we go then

Block Planes
#9 1/2
#2 (Weird thing)
A Woodie

#4 x 2
#5 1/2
A woodie jointer

The others
#75 Bull Nose
The french things you always see at the shows, fine for mdf and such

Favs are the 9 1/2 and the 5 1/2

After should plane and a plough plane, got me eyes oout on the bay ;)

well my humble collection is as follows...
#9.5 block plane
#60.5 LA block plane
#4 smoother
#10 rabbet plane
#607 jointer
althought more will be added over xmas i hope....
My list:

5 1/2 jack
4 1/2 smoother
4 smoother
L/A block
shoulder/bull-nose/chisel plane
small bull-nose
combination plane
scraper plane
selection of scrapers
one of those thingys with disposable blades

All except the last are used regularly. No particular favourite but the 5 1/2 is normally the first to be picked up, most used is probably the L/A block.

I also have two large chests of woodies, including fillisters, trys, jacks, coffin smoothers, a skew blade woody, and loads of moulders. Not used regularly but they do see the light of day occasionally when they come out to play and get a check over.

Looking at your vast c*ll&&tions I can see that I still have some catching up to do:

4 ( times 2 )
3 ( sons plane)

rabbet planes ( x3) Where did they come from
Sorry I forgot to say which I used the most.....

has to be #5 and 601/2 with #7 a close run second as I use it for smoothing often instead of #5/#4
I doubt if this will simplify the round-up

701P wooden jointer (often used)
#5 (often used)
#4 (often used)
#60½ (rarely used)
649P (wooden block plane) (most used)
#90 (rarely used)
#92 (often used)
#271 (rarely used)

Errm :oops: I promise, I will combine the results, just need a time thats all.

Stanley Bedrocks:
603,603,604,604 1/2,605,605 1/2,606,607,608
No 85, 98, 99, 60 1/2
Harris Spokeshave (do these count?)
I have just done a round up of the planes that now lurk in my shop, the number has increased since I started posting here, is that coincidence I think not.
#4 (2off)
#9 ½
#43 mini groover
#75 bull nose
most of a #78 rebate
Lewin multi plane
7 from block to jointer

I have owned and used the #220 for 35 years (bought second hand) and still reach for it out of habit.
Next for use is the #5, but the #7 acquired this summer is now neck and neck.
The #43 is magic (thanks for the push Alf) everyone should have one.
The Lewin still needs a good clean, but its all there and I an looking forward to using it.
I have used one of the woodies, different, I have still not mastered setting the depth of cut as easily as I would like.

I have one spoke shave and an waiting for a #80 to be delivered.
My current list is:

Low angle block

That's it :cry:

However, due to the detrimental influence of a number of members of this forum, Santa is bringing me a shoulder plane and I am sat waiting delivery of a LA jack from Brimarc.

Those responsible for this - you know who you are !!!!!!!!!- should be ashamed for leading yet another "victim" to the slope :) :) :) . The fact that I have started an evening class on furniture making and had to use hand tools is entirely coincidental :wink:
Jeepers, Big John :shock:
You just dunno what you've started for yourself :roll:
Within a very short time you're gonna be :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: toolwise, and :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: cashwise! :twisted:


I've copied the results thus far, I'll take them away to wade through, then post the results, once I think of a way to format results, all future additions should be easier!
