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Blimey HS!

Alf - yep I got it wrong :)() - it's a 13-052 - whatever that is - can't find it on the b&g site.

Alf":1tlxijje said:
D'you want the planes I have, just the ones I use (all of them, natch. But some more than others) or simply the ones that Average Woodworker might find useful?

For my money the ones you use - however infrequently :wink:.



I have been looking at (and learning from) this site for a little while and thought it was time that I joined in properly.

My hand plane co####tion comes in two sections

1) Before visiting this forum


2) Since visiting this forum

#6 Fore Plane
#3110 Bullnose/Chisel/Shoulder
Low Angle Block

Alf":8rlbjed7 said:
[ just the ones I use

That would be good. Given you have a much *wider* selection than the rest of us, it'd be interesting to see which ones actually get used.

I err, may also need to get some help in formulating these into categories, when I formulate them into a list. :oops:

Philly":1sbr1qyz said:
Didn't forget-just being bashful........... :oops:
Notice no-one has mentioned multiples? 8)
Philly :D

Read the first paragraph of my first post again :wink:


#4 smoother
#4 1/2 smoother (joint most used)
#5 1/2 jack (joint most used)
#6 fore
#9 mitre
#9 1/2 block
#78 duplex rabbet
Large shoulder
#80 cabinet scraper

and a shave of some description whose number i can't remember - convex sole though.
Sorry Adam
Got confused, what with all those lovely planes.
Does anyone have pet names for their favorite tools?
Oh, just me then........ :oops:
Philly :D
Yep, I also have pet names for my tools. I have broken them up into 3 categories.

1. Ex
2. Pen
3. Sive

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Philly":2tj6oz0f said:
Does anyone have pet names for their favorite tools?
Philly :D

Boy, you need to get out more..... :?

Hermes":wz82h0u8 said:
My hand plane co####tion comes in two sections
... Before visiting this forum ... Since visiting this forum
Welcome to the forum Howard! Good to have you aboard.
Good to see that lurkers are just as easily swayed by plane gloats as posters!
Where's Alf got to with that list then... :?: How many days is it going to take her to compile her used list from her "selection" of planes?
OK but if the LOML sees this there will be no more stops off at Axminster when we go on holiday to Devon. Didn't realise I had so many.

60 1/2
97 1/2
Combination plane

Aragorn":2sqiquqo said:
Where's Alf got to with that list then... :?:
I was going to wait until everyone had an opportunity to air their wit...

Welcome to the forum, Howard. It appears you're a natural as far as fitting in round here goes.

Well recently one or two people, or maybe not even as many as that, have asked the dreaded question: Just How Many Planes Have You Got?! Not that many years ago I could answer with a cheery "Three", and two of those are technically the Old Man's. Then it got out of hand. I might as well get the awful truth out of the way once and for all here I s'pose.
Before we go any further, let me make something quite clear. I didn't actually set out to buy at least a third of these planes; they've just come in box lots and so forth. And the woodies; well I don't really use them, but no one else seems to want them either. One day, when I have my dream humidity-controlled w'shop I'll tune them up and use them. Maybe. Also some of the duplicates are simply because I'm in a bit of a transitional period mainly as a result of the reviewing - so that's your fault.

If you're of a nervous disposition please look away now. "*" will indicate a frequently used plane, and "**" a really, really frequently used one. Figures in brackets to show how many of each get used regularly (it's true, honest).

6 Smoothers - at least six, I think. There may be some in a box.
3 Jacks - probably. But I may have missed some
3 Jointers
1 Badger plane
1 Plough
1 Old Woman's Tooth
38 Assorted moulding, rebate, hollows & rounds

1 #7 jointer*
3 #5 1/2 panel ** (2)
1 #62 1/2 bevel-up panel & high angle blade **
1 #5
5 #4 1/2 * (2)
3 #4 * (1, with back bevel)
1 #164 **
1 #3
1 #10 bench rebate (* until it broke)
1 #40 1/2 scrub
3 #78 duplex rebate * (all of them 'cos each one has a piece missing so no single one can do everything)
2 #71 router * (1)
1 #271 router *
1 #98/99 side rebate pair (not used regularly, but nothing else will do when you need them)
3 Shoulder * (2)
2 Bullnose ** (1)
1 #112 scraper plane
1 #80 scraper *
? Card scrapers - lots **
3 Blocks various * (2)
1 #113 compass plane (see side rebates comment)
7 Assorted plough and combination planes * (#043** and #405 particularly)
1 Infill smoother
1 Chariot plane

And I make that less than 100! So there!
Although I didn't count the ones I've made myself... The older, narrow blade #5 1/2 and #62 1/2 are currently neck-and-neck for absolute favourite status, with the #5 as a long way last as never-used. I'm more likely to get a wooden jack out first to be honest. As far as the duplicate smoothers go, it's not 'cos I need them, it's just easier to have them all set slightly differently instead of fussing around with adjustment. A bit like Norm and his routers.

I await the jokes - better make them good 'cos they might be your last words...

Cheers, Alf

P.S. Should we be including scratchstocks in this too? In which case better add 1 #66 beader (*)
No #2 or #8?? Call yourself a Co##ect#r? :roll: :wink:
That's a nice list-are they just your users? Or is there a 2nd list? :shock:

I notice Chris hasn't posted yet-not shy are you Mate? :lol:

Plane Owners anonymous :D
Philly":23ivc0pn said:
No #2 or #8?? Call yourself a Co##ect#r? :roll: :wink:
No. I call myself a user.
No #6 either, you'll notice.

Philly":23ivc0pn said:
That's a nice list-are they just your users? Or is there a 2nd list? :shock:
That's the lot. Everything. The works. As of today anyway... And they're all users! Sheesh. Anyone'd think you didn't believe me.

I hope my list will be of service to the plane-buying community. No matter how many times your SWMBO says "You have too many planes" you'll always be able to say "Ah, but not as many as Alf" and produce the evidence. Probably best not to point out how many of mine are old tools bought at a fraction of the cost of the L-N you're trying to convince her you need though, eh...?

Cheers, Alf
Okay, here are mine...

#5 ½
#4 1/2
#50 Multi plane
#043 plough
#044 plough
#80 scraper
#78 rebate
#75 bullnose rebate
#077 shoulder
#71 router
#271 router
#79 Side rabbet plane
#60 ½ block
A few spokeshaves of different sizes and shapes.
Some older block that I don't know the make or number of.
Woody skew rebate plane
Various woody moulding planes and a woody jack in need of restoration
Medium shoulder plane (Not actually mine yet as it is under the Chrissy tree and I get a slap if I so much as linger near it :shock: )

Don't seem get to use any of them much at the moment. :(

Most often used would be the #5 1/2
Also love the #71, #43 and the #78.
Never use the nasty modern #6 anymore since getting the #5 1/2
Indeed Alf,
You are indeed the proof I need that I DON'T have enough planes.
Many, many thanks!! :roll:
Philly :D
Philly":3td6x9h9 said:
Indeed Alf,
You are indeed the proof I need that I DON'T have enough planes.
Many, many thanks!! :roll:
Philly :D

There's something in that.
I've just printed off Alf's list and with careful use of a highlighter pen, it makes a great Christmas List. :wink: