Rob Cheetham
Established Member
I am wanting to start desiging and building a flip top mitre saw bench to house my mitre saw and have it flip away under the bench when not in use. Ive watched quite a few videos on how to make these.
What I would like to know though is has anyone got any good ideas or tips that I should throw in to the equation when designing it. I will be using sketchup to design it.
So far the things I want it to do/features are as follows
* House my scrool saw undernath so I can roll it out when needed.
* House my festool extractor underneath possibly (if enough room)
* Possible bench vice (any ideas for a vice are welcome)
* Storage in any remaining room (draws/cupboards - which are best. Views welcome)
* T track on top to accomdate stop blocks etc
* Measure tape
The width of the space is 3.2m. I know its not that bigger space but it will do me for I only see myself doing smaller projects anyway and can use space outside to cut longer lengths if ever needed.
Any other ideas that would be handy or that you have put in on your own builds would be greatly appreicated.
Picture of space below. Its wider than it looks in the photo btw lol.
Look forward to hearing your ideas. Thanks
What I would like to know though is has anyone got any good ideas or tips that I should throw in to the equation when designing it. I will be using sketchup to design it.
So far the things I want it to do/features are as follows
* House my scrool saw undernath so I can roll it out when needed.
* House my festool extractor underneath possibly (if enough room)
* Possible bench vice (any ideas for a vice are welcome)
* Storage in any remaining room (draws/cupboards - which are best. Views welcome)
* T track on top to accomdate stop blocks etc
* Measure tape
The width of the space is 3.2m. I know its not that bigger space but it will do me for I only see myself doing smaller projects anyway and can use space outside to cut longer lengths if ever needed.
Any other ideas that would be handy or that you have put in on your own builds would be greatly appreicated.
Picture of space below. Its wider than it looks in the photo btw lol.
Look forward to hearing your ideas. Thanks