Shared 3m x 2m shed - any ideas??

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8 Jan 2024
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I have carved out part of a garden shed so that I can do woodwork in the summer. I’d previously just used saw horses outside, but the rain has been very annoying this year!!

Having started using the area, it’s got very messy very quickly, largely down to me being lazy, but also trying to cram everything into a small space.

I’m about to start tidying up, but thought to post here in case people have some great space saving ideas. I’m currently using a small table saw and router table the most. I have plunge saw two, but not using it an awful lot and would be able to setup outside if needed.

I like having the router setup in the bench, but it’s a pain when I’m trying to do glue ups or planing etc. I though about building a stand for it, but if I do it low enough to slide under the bench then it is too low, and if not under the bench takes up too much space in the shed, similar to the small Festool table saw.

I wondered about options for extender arms coming out of the bench, for the router top to sit on, but thought it might not be stable enough. It would be great if the saw and router had a way of being stored under the bench but could miraculously spring up, be stable and level with the bench top to give more room.

I’m also thinking of French cleats or peg board for the back wall.

Existing bench top is mft style, but I think I’ll replace with solid board of some sort and use micro jig.

Any help and ideas would be appreciated.

Ashamed to show pictures!


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I used to have a similar layout but narrower.

I had a piece of mft, next to that router mounted in a small bench with dust extractor directly underneath, another small bit of bench then a small mitre saw in the corner. I could swing the mitre round when I wanted to do longer cuts. I used a tracksaw on the edge of the mft with a sacrificial bit between the mft and the router. There was space under the bench for WIP. Just tape grease proof over the router when glueing.

Tools were on French cleats, but in practice they didn’t move once they had found a home. You may feel daft, but stand in front of your bench and pretend to work on something noting where you would naturally reach for your tools, that’s where they should live.

It was an upgrade from a greenhouse so I was pleased at the time.

You will learn to be tidy or you will drive yourself potty!

P.S. I have since upgraded again and one piece of kit that I wouldn’t be without is a bandsaw if you can fit a small one in.
Thanks @Mrs C - the untidiness does drive me crazy, but it happens so fast. I’ve thought about a bandsaw, but I’m making do with a £30 10 year old jigsaw for now until a sort my space out more efficiently.

It’s a good idea to spend a bit of time to workout the tools I need and when.
I would make a router table top, then either put that on saw-horses, or you could sit it on some 'pull out' arms coming out of the bench as you mentioned.

I have a similar system for my 1/2" router, I don't have the room for it to be set up in a table all of the time. It works well and the table-top stores nicely flat and out of the way when it's not in use.

Photos here:


R.E the table saw, I find that, in a small workshop, having it in a fixed position is not a good idea, as you need a lot of room around the saw to maneuvre sheet goods. If it is in a fixed position you will find at times not enough outfeed room, sometimes not enough room at the side etc etc. This can lead to either not being able to use it for a cut, or worse still, having to operate it awkwardly = dangerously. By keeping it mobile you can make sure you can position it appropriately to cut what you are working on safely.
Thanks @sams93 - I ended up buying a router top and with the router Dewalt 625, it’s pretty chunky and not easy to flip about. Now the weather is a bit better it’s not so bad to setup outside, but for the first few months of the year it was getting frustrating setting up then taking down 20mins later.

I’m making small things at the moment to work on getting the basics right, small dovetail boxes etc.

I think you’re right on the table saw, I I particularly went for a small one for it to be portable. That will used that way.
I just unbolt my router (TRA001). It is bulky but it only takes 5 minutes to bolt on the router to the top, means I can store them separately.
Wall space is really valuable. Garden tools can be bunched up!
When I had a similar setup I put retractable castors on my bench so that long pieces could stick out of the door.
Finally, lots of useful storage space in the ceiling