Fastest way to flatten chisesl I've found

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I glad you received some benefit from the dvd.

thanks for the link

If you have a problem with my opinion based on fact. Tough.

As far as this being a personal matter with the presenter of the dvd. Well that takes the biscuit for the day.

David agrees that this dvd sold by LN does not deliver what he said in the introduction and does not cover the ‘and the third and most important is the condition of the flatness of the sole of the plane’

If you don’t understand what I’m saying, I’m sure not wasting any more time explaining it again.

alan wood":2hk72j5l said:
If you have a problem with my opinion based on fact. Tough.

As far as this being a personal matter with the presenter of the dvd. Well that takes the biscuit for the day.

David agrees that this dvd sold by LN does not deliver what he said in the introduction and does not cover the ‘and the third and most important is the condition of the flatness of the sole of the plane’

If you don’t understand what I’m saying, I’m sure not wasting any more time explaining it again.


Alan - so have you asked for a refund?

This thread is entitled "Fastest way to flatten a chisel" and for some reason all you have done is attack David Charlesworth over one of his DVD's (which is not about flattening chisels!) for some pretty flaky reasons.
David himself has replied thus - "I have not published a dvd on plane tuning/fettling yet.

"Plane sharpening" is exactly what it says on the box. Entirely plane blade prep and sharpening, with particular reference to a slightly cambered edge, and the ruler trick. It also covers ways of using waterstones which avoid or minimize the dreaded hollowing which takes place so quickly, and has ruined many blades."

So I ask - please return to the original topic. Your issue with the DVD needs to be dealt with directly - this is the final word.
(Mod Hat firmly in place)
I just love discussions based on fact.

I not wasting time repeating my previous points, but your comments about the attack on David Charlesworth are not based on fact.

My issue is with LN, its their product. You need to keep to the facts mate.

This is the final word. Good.


alan wood":1tklurxz said:
It certainly doesn’t

quote ‘help you to get the best out of your new plane’ if the sole is 6th thou hollow.

A few definitions of "help":
# give help or assistance; be of service; "Everyone helped out during the earthquake"; "Can you help me carry this table? ...
# be of use; "This will help to prevent accidents"
# improve the condition of; "These pills will help the patient"
# help oneself: abstain from doing; always used with a negative; "I can't help myself--I have to smoke"; "She could not help watching the sad spectacle"
# aid: the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose; "he gave me an assist with the housework"; "could not walk without assistance"; "rescue party went to their aid"; "offered his help in unloading"
# contribute to the furtherance of; "This money will help the development of literacy in developing countries"
# improve; change for the better; "New slipcovers will help the old living room furniture"

Are you denying that a sharp blade helps the operation of a plane? It may not be the only factor required but it sure does help. A lot. No where in the definition of help does it say that "help" means complete and definitive. "Helping" you get the most out of your plane in no way implies that the help well be the only thing required.

Claiming it doesn't deliver on its promises is ludicrous; no where in any of the marketing material does it claim plane fettling, is explicitly titled in a way that does not imply that. Your hypothetical video clip isn't how they market it and remains a hypothetical complaint. Your "facts" may be facts but do not contribute to your argument. Snow is cold. There, a fact! Therefore pigs can fly!
This thread has turned into something that is tedious to read, and a bit unpleasant. Is it time to lock it - please?

I have been following this thread with increasing levels of frustration and disappointment, having wondered what exactly your agenda was and why you would continue to distract the thread onto your personal and somewhat pedantic agenda and how you think this helps or contributes to the forum.

You have made early on whatever limited and dogmatic points you had in mind, which I personally place absolutely no value in I have to say, but have continued to pursue your agenda in an unnecessary and disturbing fashion.

Perhaps you really have something worthwhile to contribute to the forum and are just having a bad day, lets hope so.

Maybe I should have sent this by PM, I don't know, the mod's can obviously delete if it's inappropriate, but likewise we can well do without the kind of attitude displayed here behind the guise of a discussion of "facts".

Cheers, Paul. :D
Niall":1govuw3q said:
This thread has turned into something that is tedious to read, and a bit unpleasant. Is it time to lock it - please?

I agree

And it has gone a long way of topic too.
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