Exploding Pagers - Lebanon


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You do agree though that Israels actions are criminal and possibly even genocidal ?

Other Glasgow Celtic fans showing their support.
Maybe they're all deluded too. Brainwashed by compassion and empathy.
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Look at history, the might of the American forces could not defeat the north Vietnamese.

As originally laid out in 1948.

Yes another British created mess that they were not bright enough to see the long term implications of, we only do short term thinking.

The first step in middle east peace is to get rid of old netty nu nu as he is just a warmonger who seems to think he is better than the rest of us yet will be the first to bring up the holocaust to justify there need for being just a militarised state.
"Yes another British created mess" ??? NO. Britain did NOT vote in favour opf the recognition of the State of Israel, when it was put forward in the UN in November 1947.

Palestine: Statement of Policy white paper, May 1939
4: His Majesty’s Government therefore now declare unequivocally that it is not part of their policy …… that the Arab population of Palestine should be made the subjects of a Jewish state against their will.

Hansard 433 18.02.1947
Foreign secretary: “the fundamental point is that Palestine should no longer be denied the independence which has now been attained by every other Arab State"

It woz the Americans wot dunnit.
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Jacob, you're really barking up the wrong tree. I am extremely well researched. My views are not extremist, actually very balanced - you need to read more widely than Turkish newspapers or watch the BBC news. You are welcome to disagree with me ... but then, I would take that as a compliment since you tend to disagree with everyone :giggle:

Regards from Perth

"I am extremely well researched." ??? Anyone who says that is probably suffering from OCD, and needs support from those nice people in white coats . .
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Definition of "terrorist": "a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."

I would think that fits well with Hamas invading Israel on October 7th.

It also reflects Hamas using civilians and civilian establishments (homes and hospitals) as shields, deliberately placing civilians at risk.

The IDF, on the other hand, have gone to extraordinary lengths to protect the civilian population of Gaza, warning civilians in advance, as well as feeding them and providing aid.

Get real.

Regards from Perth

Sorry Derek. None of what you say is true.
The IDF are tasked with doing something that the Jews were victims of in WW2. The Jewish people are beginning ot turn away from the leaders; at least they see the truth.
So, the bottom line is that the West wants to maintain the tribal fighting in the Middle East so that the West is ignored and that they don't become a totally Isamic region which might redirect its attentions to us.
So you say the Palestinian people live under the thumb of Hamas.So if israel are the victims, aren't the Palestinian people also the victims ?.
Why then are israel murdering vast swathes of them.

You do agree though that Israels actions are criminal and possibly even genocidal ?
No I don’t share your anti-Semitic views.
The tension in the Middle East ramps up. The Israeli settlers have, with government support, been land-grabbing and killing off those who complain. Hamas, a declared terrorist organisation by the West, has grown,and seen the need to, not only defend themselves, but to take on the might of Israel and its even mightier support from the US and UK.
The British, with pressure from the US created the Jewish state without consideration for others in the region. The two-state option would have been better resolved prior to 1948 with suppport for all parties. Stability in the Middle East has always been difficult and one tribe appears to be the central cause.
Too late now for peace talks...
It would be better if the West cound concentrate their support on Ukraine rather than be distracted by tribal wars.
THE partition of Palestine was suggested by UNSCOP in August 1947 and was finally achieved by the UN General Assembly in November 1947. The UK had little or no involvement in the partition process beyond the Balfour declaration in 1917 and the mandate system in 1922 (that was ratified by the League of Nations). The continual assertion that all the problems in the Middle East were initially started by the UK is incorrect. The UK had a lot of input but the partition was achieved by agreement with many nations.
THE partition of Palestine was suggested by UNSCOP in August 1947 and was finally achieved by the UN General Assembly in November 1947. The UK had little or no involvement in the partition process beyond the Balfour declaration in 1917 and the mandate system in 1922 (that was ratified by the League of Nations). The continual assertion that all the problems in the Middle East were initially started by the UK is incorrect. The UK had a lot of input but the partition was achieved by agreement with many nations.
I believe, but haven't checked (read it somewhere years ago), that the partition plan that was finally used was one originially conceived by the British before WW2, but couldn't get anyone to agree, so abandoned it. But then taken up by the UN.

I think saying that the "assertion that all the problems in the Middle East were initially started by the UK is incorrect" could do with a bit of scrutiny. I mean, turn-of-the-century Zionism was virtually a British sponsored thing, and literally implemented when we gained control of the territory. I appreciate Jewish immigration was privately organised, but it certainly had sympathy in British governance. I also appreciate you're not saying the British are guilt free, but the whole situation was poorly managed and arguably basically engineered by the British, the UN resolution was just the final coup de grace on peace following something the British created.

Which is why I tend to think that folks who just take 100% sympathy with the Israeli position (and use cretinous language like "anti-semitic" :ROFLMAO: ) need to think about it a bit harder. But those people will just go ahead and (i believe the fashionable expression these days is) gaslight.
No I don’t share your anti-Semitic views.
There seems to be a habit of thinking that being against Israel's way of prosecuting war in Gaza is "anti-Semitic", not "anti Israeli policy" - the two are not interchangeable. There are many Jews who disagree with Israel's war in Gaza - should we call them anti Semitic?
Well, you certainly would given that your enemies proclaimed intent is to kill you.
No I don’t share your anti-Semitic views.
We have been here before in other threads. Criticism of the Israeli state and it's actions, as per Triton's post and mine for that matter, is not anti Semitic.
That comment was uncalled for, and I would suggest you ought to withdraw it.
This is exactly how similar threads have ended up being closed down in the past
There seems to be a habit of thinking that being against Israel's way of prosecuting war in Gaza is "anti-Semitic", not "anti Israeli policy" - the two are not interchangeable. There are many Jews who disagree with Israel's war in Gaza - should we call them anti Semitic?
Increasingly large numbers of Jews are opposed to Zionism and Israeli actions in Palestine e.g. the JVL :
Comments below are interesting.
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The stated aims of Hamas and the Zionists means there's unlikely to ever be a happy ending. They want to destroy each other.

I tried to understand the history of the region after I noticed the mobilisation of so many Muslim women and children for the London marches. Why Gaza and not other genocides?

I found it impossible to unravel because the region changed hands so many times.

I did conclude that the Muslim protesters are mostly there because they want to reclaim Jerusalem and the Al Aqsa mosque which is the third most important site to them because of Mohammed's night time journey across the Middle East and a subsequent chat with Allah.
Making Jerusalem the capital city instead of Tel Aviv was also contentious.
Here's an interesting documentary about the settlement of Jews in Palestine post-WWI.

Initially buying land legally. Often the Arab landowners based in Lebanon displacing their tenant farmers. Tactics changed because they couldn't buy land fast enough.

Blue Box documentary

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