Exploding Pagers - Lebanon


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Hamas could be viewed as being similar to the French persistence in WW2.

But if we accept that Hamas are a terrorist organization, then the IDF fill that criteria too

Definition of "terrorist": "a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."

I would think that fits well with Hamas invading Israel on October 7th.

It also reflects Hamas using civilians and civilian establishments (homes and hospitals) as shields, deliberately placing civilians at risk.

The IDF, on the other hand, have gone to extraordinary lengths to protect the civilian population of Gaza, warning civilians in advance, as well as feeding them and providing aid.

Get real.

Regards from Perth

Israel from the sea to the river - speech at the UN
Netanyahu's party have a stated aim of removing the land and people of Palestine. Officially documented and openly shared at the highest levels.

What b0ll0cks! You are making this up. What does that say about you?

Regards from Perth

I really despair at either the lack of reading about a subject or the blindness to facts that don’t agree with certain perspectives.
Israel went into the Gaza as a direct result of genoside / mass indiscriminate slaughter of civilians by Hamas. A totally abhorrent attack. Hamas has persistently sent rockets in to Israel, indiscriminately killing where they land.
The other mentioned countries who have terrorist basis decided to attack Israel in retaliation after Israel went into Gaza to amongst other things try to free over 100 innocent civilian hostages.
How anyone that isn’t insane can consider Israel the aggressor or defend Hamas is clearly lacking any form of logical thought processes.
I really despair at either the lack of reading about a subject or the blindness to facts that don’t agree with certain perspectives.
Israel went into the Gaza as a direct result of genoside / mass indiscriminate slaughter of civilians by Hamas. A totally abhorrent attack. Hamas has persistently sent rockets in to Israel, indiscriminately killing where they land.
The other mentioned countries who have terrorist basis decided to attack Israel in retaliation after Israel went into Gaza to amongst other things try to free over 100 innocent civilian hostages.
How anyone that isn’t insane can consider Israel the aggressor or defend Hamas is clearly lacking any form of logical thought processes.
But you are ignoring the previous 75 years of history of brutality and apartheid by Israelis against Palestinians and that Gaza was effectively a very large prison camp, mainly containing Palestinians forcefully evicted from their land and their homes.
Might as well drop out of this thread now as it is obviously going nowhere.

Let's just take one item from that sorry and biased tripe - apartheid.

An one who lived in South Africa, I think I can say that I know what Apartheid is. Under apartheid all Black South Africans were stripped of their citizenship, making them alien migrant workers in their own country.

Israeli Arabs are citizens, enjoy all rights of citizens, including the vote. Their are Arab Israeli members of parliament, who are judges, and Arab doctors who treat Jewish Israelis. Jews and Arabs Israelis fight side-by-side in the IDF.

In short, Arab Israelis enjoy full rights in Israel. There is no apartheid in Israel. On the other hand there is apartheid in Arab countries. But that is another story.

Jacob, you are reading Nazi-dung.

Regards from Perth

In 1993, as part of the Oslo Accords, the Palestine Liberation Organization and Israel agreed to an outline for Palestinians to self-govern in the Palestinian territories. In 1994, Israel withdrew from Gaza City and Jericho, giving civilian and city functions to the Palestinian Authority.
Call be dumb, but that’s not Isreal taking land, it’s giving it up. I can site all the times and dates when Isreal has accepted proposals for a two state deal to end hostilities and Palestine has refused.
The IDF, on the other hand, have gone to extraordinary lengths to protect the civilian population of Gaza, warning civilians in advance, as well as feeding them and providing aid.
That must be why the UN, and 90%+ of the countries of the world have accused them of crimes against humanity.

Russia had killed 20k civilians in 2 years of war. Israel reached that figure in 4 months.
Civilians are the targets as far as Israel are concerned, they want them all gone so they can take over the entire region.

but that’s not Isreal taking land, it’s giving it up.

Yes, they herded them into a concentration camp surrounded on all sides by walls, razor wire and armed guards in heavily fortified observation towers.

They enter Gaza time to time and kill thousands of the population.
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He could have done it in the first week.
But to obvious, slowly but surely with the odd mishap and he hopes he will get away with it.

What ever way you look at the middle east issues the problem comes down to Israel, they are an alien nation stuck in the wrong place and was bound to cause issues from day 1 so give the UK a pat on the back for there part. Had it been better managed and the original borders enforced then the problem may have been controlled but no one wanted to enforce the borders or stop Israel just land grabbling. So what now, following this latest conflict Israel has managed to create a whole new generation of people who hate Israel and will continue the fight so it continues for another decade.

The IDF are not innocent in any of this, they are part of this Jewish ideology and I believe fully support ethnic cleansing but have shown token gestures to keep the media quiet and try to claim a few bonus points. If they were within the law then they would allow the media into gazza to report from the ground.

I also think that at some point Netty nu nu must stand trial for war crimes, he is really not much different to Hussain or many other despots so if found guilty then execution as a war criminal to show all sides that you must act within international laws. No one can say that women and children have not been killed because of his actions.
That must be why the UN, and 90%+ of the countries of the world have accused them of crimes against humanity.

Russia had killed 20k civilians in 2 years of war. Israel reached that figure in 4 months.
Civilians are the targets as far as Israel are concerned, they want them all gone so they can take over the entire region.
I’d love to read the article your referencing, I’ve read a huge amount about it. Most of the alleged crimes the UN claim are around military action against hospitals and schools etc…..but fail to clarify that these have been found to be Hamas bases / entrances to their tunnel network. Hamas deliberately built their military system in, under and around buildings deemed by the UN as off limits.

Nobody knows how many civilians have been killed in Gaza, we only have Hamas numbers, and anyone who gives them credibility is extremely naive. It may be fewer, or indeed higher. But if you build your terrorist network under your own population what do you expect?

PS, as an aside I am not or have ever been Jewish or Muslim, so I have no axe to grind either way.