Ever wonder how they did computing before computers?


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You can still get it - and you can [Save As] if you need to supply a modifyable file to the less aware who only know 'Word' - Printing to a .PDF is equally simple (though of course not easily editable).

The latest version (2021) is £320 which is a one time purchase - rather than the 'annual fee' that MS want for their Office 365 :( - but you can get older versions from on-line sources (I've seen V9 at £21).

I'm still using V6 - but I don't write Novels or Accademic papers!
I would love to use it but my word processing is limited to work and that mandates Word.
It does seem strange thinking that once upon a time we did not have the windows OS, just DOS and microsoft did not seem to be a by word for software, but we did have some really good programs, who can remember Wordperfect and Quattro Pro!

Personally I don't know Quattro, but a HUGE YES for Word Perfect (print = shift F7)!
Problem I had when "changing" from WP to W (being forcibly changed actually!) was the company I worked for had standardised on MS and Word (Office), and we were prevented from using our own programs (e.g. WP). Understandable from the viewpoint of keeping a company's IT system "clean" I guess, but I really do still miss WP. AFAIC, EVERY new version of Word is simply "prettier" to look at and harder/more key strokes/more mouse clicks to actually use.
Ah... I don't have a 'Company Mandate' to adhere to - - - I do have 'Office' installed as well because there are occasions when I need to support a customer who does have this restiction and it's difficult to advice which [Icon] to click to affect a particular action if you don't actually have the same 'view' available.

Having said that, I do very often create a remote link to the customer's PC so that I can manipulate their screen for them - guiding their hand as it were!
Having said that, I do very often create a remote link to the customer's PC so that I can manipulate their screen for them - guiding their hand as it were!
Was it you that phoned me last week saying I had a problem with my Microsoft installation??

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