Maybe PaulR. I (once again!) haven't done my homework properly, but there have been a couple of items on German TV recently about Tesla's plans for a new factory in a part of what used to be E. Germany (somewhere up N & E of Berlin I think). Apparently it's an area where there's not all that much alternative employment but the local (and no doubt not so local?) environmentalists are demonstrating against the factory because of - I think - the damage it'll do to the local water table - or something.
I'm not saying that factory won't happen, but knowing something about German bureaucracy from personal experience (sometimes it's a bit faster than UK, sometimes a bit slower!) my guess is that it'll be more than a couple of years hence before that factory starts production - especially in view of the pending German "general election" and Angela Merkel's party's changing fortunes in recent "local" German elections.
But yeah, in principle, I'm sure you're right, and sooner or later the prices of EVs will come down, AND their range (and various other technicalities, including charging) WILL improve over today's offerings.
But in my own case, last year I was selfish enough (yup, I admit it) to come to the conclusion that for me/my particular circumstances, the buying price (my final consideration) of any available EV was more than A) what I was willing to pay, and B) would, in my own judgement, be unlikely to fall within acceptable (to me) limits within the time I guess I've got left to me as a driver.
But as above, yes, that was a selfish decision in so far as I was basing that decision entirely on my own wishes and needs, rather than taking any external factors such as the environment into consideration.
As I say, I do admit that, but at the same time I also submit that many people (the majority?) make such decisions on a very similar "selfish basis".
So the, "I'm guilty, but no more than him over there is" is NOT an excuse, I know that, but it IS something which does require a considerable change in mind set, which is why I find this thread so interesting, - AND very good natured!
Who knows, IF I'm still in a position to "need" another new car in 5 years time (which is about the average time I keep my cars) by then it could well be/probably will be EV.
Actually, if I need wheels at all by then, I'll probably be only be able to handle a mobility trike at best! AFAIK, they're ALL BEVs, so problem solved. (But I'll still be looking into one with a tuned-up lawnmower engine, and it'll no doubt need racing slicks on it so I get a good 0-60 time)!