Which is... : a reasonably large cased axial fan, in a propiatery fixed ducted system. ..
a High Volume, Low pressure extract system.
If this were my 'business' then definately.
Its not though.. its a hobby, as it is for the biggest percentage of the turners here.
£1000 approx v £150 = No contest. :wink:
That was the point I was trying to make earlier ( clearly not very successfully :wink:
And just to add .. especially as I was talking to Chas about this at the bash... The Microclean type units, whilst being very good.. are generally collecting airborne dust particles which are a percentage of what came right past your nose and mouth effectively.
They're another avenue of defence, but for goodness sake, don't think that
'becuase I've got one', that you've negated the danger. far far from it.
The biggest thing that you can do in your favour is, in my view.. and IIRC Chas's too... is to employ the use of a mask where there is a positive pressure being generated, to negate the ingress of airborne dust particulate beyond the face-seal of the mask.. i.e. the Trend / Powercap type of appliance.
I personally don't have one. I should.
If you are concerned about the health issues caused or aggravated by wood dust.. this is THE primary defence against it... the Positive pressure in the shield / mask sees to that.
The microcleans / extracts etc are all great, and all have a terrific part to play.. but are secondary to that positive pressure mask.
Ye pays yer money, and takes yer choice. :wink: