Drawing DaveR's stand


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Thanks for the plugin attachment Dave :wink: definitely just the thing i was looking for (hammer)

Before, i was just using the laptops built in mouse, but i've just dug out a spare wireless one and it makes it so much easier. I've repeated the process again up to the joinery stage again tonight. much easier- had to just keep nipping over to your video to see what bit was next to do. When you said on the video ' now we'll start working on the joinery' i found myself saying 'no we bloody well wont be !!!!' :lol:

One quick question please, when you select multiple edges- on the top of the legs for example, do you have to hold down the control key until you've selected them all ? - I didn't know if there was a way of doing it without having to keep your finger pushed down ?

I had to work out a cutting list for a flight of stairs earlier. After my limited progress with sketchup lastnight i thought i could use SU to my advantage.


I only planned on drawing it in 2d just to get the length of the string :lol: Its full of errors but it was still really useful to be able to see it in 3d.

I've alot of questions i could ask about drawing this, but i'll save them until i mastered the fern stand


I only have a few seconds at the moment but your stairs look good at least in that image.

As for the Selection tool, you can either hold Ctrl to add to a selection, Shift to add or subtract or click and drag a left to right selection box which selects only those entities that fall fully within the box or right to left to select things that fall even partially within the selection box.

Hope that helps.
Dave R":1j62tkpq said:
Shift to add or subtract
Hope that helps.

Thats very helpfull =D> Think i'll forget about holding down the ctrl button to add to a selection. From what you've suggested (and i've just tried), holding down the shift key does the same thing with the added advantage of being able to deselect if done by mistake.

There are times when you will want to only be adding to a selection though so remember it's available.

Again, clicking and dragging a selection box around the stuff you want to select is also very quick.

And there's more to the Selection tool. Double click on a face and you select the face and its bounding edges. Triple click and you get all connected edges and faces.