doorbells (sorted)

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Phil Pascoe

Established Member
29 Jan 2012
Reaction score
Shaft City, Mid Cornish Desert
Has anyone come across a wireless doorbell with two receivers and ideally three or more buttons? They need to carry a decent IP number, the buttons always fail here because of water ingress. I've found a couple with two buttons (3? I can't remember) but they don't give the IP rating.
For one customer I placed the presser for the wireless doorbell inside the house ( in the cabinet where the electric meter was above the door ). I wired into this with their chosen style of presser. fitted , of course, in its normal position ,outside. :giggle:
This would allow you to use a more watertight one of your choice, or at least be able to easily replace it, without changing the whole shebang..
For one customer I placed the presser for the wireless doorbell inside the house ( in the cabinet where the electric meter was above the door ). I wired into this with their chosen style of presser. fitted , of course, in its normal position ,outside. :giggle:
This would allow you to use a more watertight one of your choice, or at least be able to easily replace it, without changing the whole shebang..
I like that idea! I like the idea of a new doorbell that i'll hear in the shed, but dislike the idea of the ugly little box on my nice old victorian door. Another idea to go on the to do list.
I can't quite see how it would be wired, and would entail drilling the door frame. I need two buttons in different places, one in the kitchen to ring me in the shed.
I see your particular circumstance. But you would only need the smallest of holes in the door frame The one in the kitchen won't be affected by you wiring into the other presser..

However, will pressing the bell in your kitchen not ring the bell in your house at the same time? Fine if you just need to monitor who is at the front door whilst in the workshop. Though slightly annoying for anyone in the house, summoning you in from the workshop. Perhaps another parallel system entirely for the kitchen to workshop. After all that shouldn't need to be IP rated. :)