I get the feeling that it is not the media cases that are the reason for objecting to this, but rather the precident it sets for people to encourage others to take such a course of action. The general feeling seems to be that a terminally ill person should be allowed assisted suicide if that is their wish. The grey area comes when old grandma is bed ridden and perhaps going gaga, needing 24 hour care but physically she is well and could live for another 10 years or more. The naysayers are suggesting that in such a case 'assisted suicide' may be a way out of the situation for the RELATIVES rather than a choice made by the grandmother. An alternative is that an elderly relative chooses such an option purely because they feel they are a burden to their family.
Its an ethical dilemma, like abortion mentioned earlier, that will never convert everyone to one side or the other and passions and feelings will run high on both sides. All we need now is for european lawyers to start sticking their noses in and this will drag on for years!