competition ... must be worth a go for a freebie

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I can get onto the site without problem but cannot see anything about the competition. There is however a comment on the home page about having problems with some servers.
Oh, I see. All you have to do is send the answer to a simple question to their email address. Plus a contact phone number. Hmmm
I got through no problem at all.

In case any of you are unsure the answer to the question for the competition is CALAIS

Cheers. :lol: Vic :lol:
Vic Perrin":oclbhtx8 said:
I got through no problem at all.

In case any of you are unsure the answer to the question for the competition is CALAIS

Cheers. :lol: Vic :lol:

I thought it was Brisbane. Damn :!:
Vic Perrin":yzn2ejnn said:
I got through no problem at all.

In case any of you are unsure the answer to the question for the competition is CALAIS

Cheers. :lol: Vic :lol:
What a wry answer. :(
I really don't know Bob. I am on their email list and I get one a month or thereabouts. I have no problem with that. I can read it or delete it as I choose.
On the other hand I am automatically suspicious of people that want my phone number. Maybe they only want it for a one time use but......
That is what PPI calls have done to us (hammer) (hammer) (hammer)
I suppose they need to contact the winner to get address etc some people may not check emails

Still enter I'm sure it won't be a problem

I know I may go on a bit but I have never come across 2 great chaps like Paul and Robert ..

I am sure they are not after your contact details for spam etc and they would be upset if they knew people thought like this...

They are a very genuine couple of Guys... Not sure if any one else has used them but if you have you will know what I mean, if you have not give them a try. the service beats any other company I have bought from..

Sorry if I have gone on but :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
