Combined Flu jab

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I had the two separate ones at the same time last year and felt no adverse effects. I doubt whether this one would be any different but have no degrees in immunology to back it up.


From what I’ve read it’s more common for men under 40 but I’d rather not take the chance.
I’ll continue with the traditional Flu vaccine for the time being.
I am not against any vacines and believe they can protect people from a lot of medical illnesses like small pox etc but you do have to be more cautious when a vacine originates out of desperation and is rushed to market due to a pandemic without going through the normal drawn out overly cautious process.
Oh for gods sake, these side effects are extremely rare and the vaccine would not be approved if the risks of not having them were not much higher than having them.

Why the hell do we have a ******* moderator on a forum like this promoting vaccine scepticism?
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If you have a COVID jab and stand near a 5g mast the conspiracy theorists will appear in a cloud of dust and will turn you into a genetically modified sheep unless you inject 10ml of bleach and turn round 3 times before sunrise. Must be true, a neighbour said he met a bloke in a pub who had heard it from a woodworker who had read all about it on the internet.

And other nonsense....

Because of the NHS and many clever people who found very quick ways to develop all kinds of vaccines, people in the UK in certain risk categories have free access to vaccines. Vaccines that millions of people around the world would love to be able to get.

We should celebrate the fact we can roll out new medicines in a few months rather than a few years. Using old technology flu and COVID deaths would have been much higher and still happening.

If you choose not to use it, fine, your choice. I just say thanks and book the appointment
Just looking at my vaccine passport I have had 4 - 3 Pfizer then a Moderna - the last in November 2022. I am not being offered a fifth.

Cast your minds back to 2021/2 when Covid was an unknown and governments were out-competing each other to be more draconian. The vaccines did help get things back on track for the majority who received them with no ill effects.

As for the combi, I am less sure on timings. As I say I have not had a Covid jab for 2 years. Did I need one more frequently? I have a flu jab every year. Do I need it less frequently?

I would rather take each jab individually at the recommended intervals - even if every other visit takes 5 minutes longer.
I am not against any vacines and believe they can protect people from a lot of medical illnesses like small pox etc but you do have to be more cautious when a vacine originates out of desperation and is rushed to market due to a pandemic without going through the normal drawn out overly cautious process.
Yes, but what is often forgotten is that epidemiology and virology knowledge has been rapidly increasing over the past twenty years', and knowledge being gained is shared.
The anti-flu vaccine is developed each year in response to global trends, which are monitored by the World Health Organisation (WHO). No two years are the same, as the prevalent risks are never quite the same.
I have a flu jab every year. Do I need it less frequently?
Absolutely NOT, because of the information above.

Last year, there was concern that a dual COVID/FLU jab might cause complications; this year, there is less concern, due to more research.

We come into contact with viral contagions regularly, and our personal physiology (are you fit, run-down, having a bad day) has an obvious effect on our ability to brush them aside.

Having an anti-ANYTHING vaccine is like using PPE...some people decide that it's for the idiots, and that they are invincible. Some people, on the other hand, will use full PPE, and then be injured because of a third-party interaction. In the case of infectious diseases, that third-party interaction can be as trivial as you going down the pub when you don't feel very well!

Fucks sakes.
I totally agree!
It may be a small percentage but it’s still of concern.

Then there’s this.


“Immunity acquired from a Covid infection provides strong, lasting protection against the most severe outcomes of the illness, according to research published Thursday in The Lancet — protection, experts say, that’s on par with what’s provided through two doses of an mRNA vaccine.”

I personally don’t know anyone that hasn’t had Covid.
At the link in post #11 it states:

'As of 10 April 2023, a total of 50,648 deaths caused by ‘COVID vaccines’ had been reported in EudraVigilance – broken down by disease (heart conditions, central nervous system disorders, etc.)'

Assuming that the figure is correct, it's probably statistically insignificant, given that the the population of the EU is 449 million, and whilst some may not have had the vaccine at all, most will have had several doses. The other side of the coin is how many deaths have been prevented by vulnerable people who have been vaccinated and have contracted Covid and survived, might otherwise have died.

I too know lots of people who have had Covid, all of whom had been vaccinated, including members of my own family, (almost all on 'plane flights due to recirculation of air within the cabin containing upwards of 250 passengers), Vaccination doesn't prevent becoming infected, but there's no doubt in my mind that it lessens the effect.

I'm due to have the 'flu jab and Covid jab soon, and would just as happily have a combined jab.

The last two winters, I've had what I think was probably RSV. A runny nose and nasty persistent throaty cough, which has lasted three months, wears me down and gets on other people's nerves. I had chest X-Rays and a camera up my nose and down my throat, and nothing sinister was revealed. The RSV vaccine is being offered by the NHS in England and Wales to those aged 75 - 79. I'd have thought 80 and over would be even more vulnerable, and as I'm 85, I've looked into why I can't have it. Is it because us 'oldies' are considered expendable?

No - it's because there weren't enough over 80s in the trial to be statistically confident that it was safe and effective for them. So it's a case of the NHS being over cautious on behalf of me and my ilk, which is no bad thing, but I face the winter with trepidation of yet another miserable debilitating three months.

If anyone doesn't want to be vaccinated, then fine - don't bother.

As the fairground notices say: 'You ride at your own risk'.
I would have thought that as long as a high enough proportion of the population are vaccinated then it will be effective overall. There seems to be a fixation that every single person must be vaccinated. There will always be those who for sound medical reasons cannot be vaccinated, just as there are those who simply, choose not to be.

When dealing with high population numbers,The known risks however slight will always translate into actual people being harmed despite having made the " right " choice, Just as there will be those who suffer having made the " wrong " choice.

The key word here is "choice" and one can only make the right decision if one is properly informed.
Why the hell do we have a ******* moderator on a forum like this promoting vaccine scepticism?
Totaly misread what I said, I have had all the vacines and am not anti vax but the engineering mindset questions and implements logical reasoning. No one can say that there was not a race to deliver the first covid vacine and that the Oxford one that did win has subsequently been withdrawn in the UK. What you are doing when accepting a vacine is a tradeoff between the worst the virus has to offer and the potential side effects from the vacine, these side effects are often minimised during the long period of vacine development but when needs must and the process is rushed then you need to accept the side effects may not be fully understood just like long covid.

'As of 10 April 2023, a total of 50,648 deaths caused by ‘COVID vaccines’ had been reported in EudraVigilance
Yes insignificant out of an EU population of 450 million but not for those who died.

What is going wrong is that people are now treating Covid as nothing more than a cold and thinking the vacines will prevent a serious infection which is mostly true but it is on the rise with increasing hospitalisation but once out of the box it is not getting back in and is now something we all have to live with like Flue and that we just need to hope we keep on top of it before it becomes a bad strain.
the process is rushed
What isn't well appreciated is how the development was "rushed". I know someone working at John Radcliff during the pandemic and have heard first hand how huge time savings were achieved. Simply put; eliminating bureaucratic delays.
Normally if you need a tool for research or trial production you have to go through a long process; Write the request for funding and justify why it's needed > passed to a committee for review > judgement on merit > pass to committee to approve funding > wait for funds to be allocated > send out tendering requests > back to committee to approve tender > release funds and order tool.
In the pandemic it went; We need xxx > who's got it > order it.
That literally saved years.
I've just had covid booster and flu. No concerns. as far as I know I've never had covid. Certainly never had a positive test or any worrying symptoms. In my view we are fortunate to have this kind of service readily available in the UK. As for the vaccine alarmists - their choice but really they should waive the NHS from treating them if they get covid.
My grandfather died of TB. My uncle had diphtheria. My father had polio. I had measles that very nearly killed me. My boy died of myocarditis caused by covid. I'll take the jabs, thank you very much.