Brummie Bash-20th September.

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This is going to be some bas Paul.....I hope you are keeping her ladyship up to date with the numbers or are your family emigrating for the day :lol:

Bodrighy wrote
I hope you are keeping her ladyship up to date with the numbers or are your family emigrating for the day
Yes Pete the numbers are been watched carefully,and if the family does emigrate the bash will be off :lol: :lol: so stop putting ideas up :lol: :lol: and i am sorry to say that that is that.
All spaces have now been allocated for,but anyone wishing to come still,just let me know as there still might be a place or two for those who might not attend.
So could all members who wish to come let me know for definate nearer the time.
Likewise if you know you can't make it please let me know ASAP :D
Will look forward to seeing you all :shock: :lol:
Hi Paul

I'll let you know for def nearer the time if thats ok.

and if I know for sure either way I'll let you know asap :)
Seven weeks to go folks :D
If you have any ideas/suggestions to do on the day please let me know,and we'll see what we can do :D
I've already aired these ideas with Paul so I thought I should share them with you all.

1. How about some research into turning food? Results to be shown and discussed at the bash. There is plenty of info on turning corn cobs into pens on the net. Surely there are some other foods which could be turned.

2. Sharpening jigs. I hope to have made a jig by the time the bash comes round. Would be good to get a few together so we can compare them. Might be able to come up with some ideas for improving them.

3. This one puts the pressure on I'm afraid. How about a little turning competition? Something quick and small like a snowman or christmas tree. Somebody put a vid on the forum a while back of his woodturning club doing this. It looked like fun and I was surprised by the different results. I understand if this is just too much pressure to put people under. It would leave me sweating a little. I just enjoy the challenge and see it as a good way to build my confidence.

What are your views?



Please bring jigs [-o<
I've already begged Chas and will have another "go" at him a bit closer to the time

Can people bring along air fed masks? I'd like to compare & contrast.

I'd like to see some properly sharpened tools especially skews & bowl gouges. I read recently that "as bought tools" are rarely sharpened in the correct shape.

I'd also really like a demo of the skew as I'm determined to master this damn thing.

Is it going to be predominantly turning?
Suits me as a beginner.
6 Weeks to go folks :D
Dave i'm not really sure of any food that can be turned :? so could be discussed on the day i suppose.
I'd be up for a little competition Dave but don't forget there are some really experienced turners coming :shock: ,but should be fun as you say :D What do others think :?:

Lurker i have the MK1 Trend Airshield which you can have a look at but it would be good for others to bring different types along to have a look at too.So if anyone has got the new Airshield or the Cap type the by all meand bring them along.
There will be some tool sharpening going on too.
It will mainly be a Turning Bash :D
Hi Paul ... It looks like I may have to 'pull out' at the 11th hour ( well 6 weeks to go ! )
I've been called up for Jury Service on the 19th, and you know how these things are totally unpredictable, I could be there for 5 minutes, or could be 5 weeks.
Never done it before, so in one way, I'm quite looking forward to the experience... in another way, it couldn't have come at a worse time.

I thought I should let you know ASAP, to ensure the place is 'freed-up' for someone who can definately make it.
I'm disappointed.. I was looking forward to meeting folk, and learing .... next time though ! :wink: 8)
Sorry to muck you about a bit :cry:
Hello Jenx.
Sorry you can't make it,and thanks for letting me know so early,but these things happen :( but if you can make it you are still welcome.
I've done jury service once and spent most the time waiting to be called.
Interesting though when you do get on a case.
4 Weeks to go :D
I will soon be sending out address details out,via PM to all those who have said they are coming,so keep a look out.
Off to Westonbirt in a bit now :D
Paul, I just sent you a PM but then realised the best place to find the dates are the thread :oops: Dooh my brain must already be in sleep mode :lol:

Anyway, sorry I will have to cancel too, I'm still to book my tickets but I can't see myself being able to get away before early October and even that might be difficult.

Great pityas I was looking forward to a specific 'turning' type do having missed the one last year also.
3 weeks to go folks :D
Those attending will have recieved address details by now.
Thanks for the offers of help,but so far,touch wood,everything is going ok :D
If any of you need further directions please let me know,and i will try and assist.