Established Member
Well yesterday was an eventful little day for me.
Having taxed up the bike last Wednesday I decided it was high time I went out on her since she'd been parked up for a few months and in that time I'd done a bit of routine maintenance on her - Renewed the fork oil, new brake pads in the back, new brake fluid all around and a general full service.
So off I went to the local supermarket to fill her up. I decided to pop into the main store first to get myself a pack of cigs only to open them and find I'd left my lighter at home. Oh well! Fill her up and go for a ride then buy a box of matches at my next stop and have a ciggie was my new plan.
Now as a rule I have a phone holder fitted to the head stock of the bike for the purposes of connecting my helmet to my phone via Blue Tooth and listening to music as I ride. Sadly my helmet has given up the ghost so no music meaning I put my phone in my jacket pocket where I also kept my wallet.
On arriving at the fuel station I looked for my wallet, (which I'd just had), but couldn't find it in my pocket :shock: :shock:
I could feel it but not find it, emptying my pocket I put my phone on the seat of my bike, (bad idea
), and continued to look for my wallet which I found inside my jacket instead of inside the pocket only to watch my phone side off the seat and hit the ground face down! On picking it up I discovered I'd smashed the screen #-o ](*,)
I can still use it but can't hang up if I've made a call because the crack over the proximity sensor blanks out the screen as it thinks there's something there. Otherwise the phone is working fine and as it was so the damage was limited to just the glass on the screen.
Getting home I looked on the Internet to see if I could get it fixed to find a hell of a lot of companies charging anything from £100 to £250 to change out the screen
Logging onto Ebay I found a new, genuine screen was only £60 and looking in YouTube it's a 5 to 15 min job to do it myself. Two screws, a bit of gentle prising, transferring the 'old' proximity sensor to the new screen then putting it all back together.
So the moral of this story is :
1) Don't drop your phone!
2) Placing a mobile on the seat of a bike that's on its side stand is not a good idea at all
3) Gorilla glass isn't quite as tough as you think it might be
4) Check out Ebay and YouTube before sending anything off to be fixed.
Having taxed up the bike last Wednesday I decided it was high time I went out on her since she'd been parked up for a few months and in that time I'd done a bit of routine maintenance on her - Renewed the fork oil, new brake pads in the back, new brake fluid all around and a general full service.
So off I went to the local supermarket to fill her up. I decided to pop into the main store first to get myself a pack of cigs only to open them and find I'd left my lighter at home. Oh well! Fill her up and go for a ride then buy a box of matches at my next stop and have a ciggie was my new plan.
Now as a rule I have a phone holder fitted to the head stock of the bike for the purposes of connecting my helmet to my phone via Blue Tooth and listening to music as I ride. Sadly my helmet has given up the ghost so no music meaning I put my phone in my jacket pocket where I also kept my wallet.
On arriving at the fuel station I looked for my wallet, (which I'd just had), but couldn't find it in my pocket :shock: :shock:
I could feel it but not find it, emptying my pocket I put my phone on the seat of my bike, (bad idea
I can still use it but can't hang up if I've made a call because the crack over the proximity sensor blanks out the screen as it thinks there's something there. Otherwise the phone is working fine and as it was so the damage was limited to just the glass on the screen.
Getting home I looked on the Internet to see if I could get it fixed to find a hell of a lot of companies charging anything from £100 to £250 to change out the screen
Logging onto Ebay I found a new, genuine screen was only £60 and looking in YouTube it's a 5 to 15 min job to do it myself. Two screws, a bit of gentle prising, transferring the 'old' proximity sensor to the new screen then putting it all back together.
So the moral of this story is :
1) Don't drop your phone!
2) Placing a mobile on the seat of a bike that's on its side stand is not a good idea at all
3) Gorilla glass isn't quite as tough as you think it might be
4) Check out Ebay and YouTube before sending anything off to be fixed.